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We are hiring at Platinum Club. We are providing adult entertainment in Second Life since 2007.

Landmark to the club: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Norway%20Island/146/107/80/

All Platinum employees must follow the rules.


# Must be at least 18 years old # Have a good looking avatar (skin/hair/clothes)

# If you want to offer webcam services you need to be verified by one of our managers or the owner Anabella Spark

# Put Platinum Club in picks on your profile

# Do not hide our staff group "Platinum Escort Club" in your profile


#what can I do as an escort?

Dance, strip and give lap dances in the club, offer cyber sex, voice/cam shows, sell your pictures, take your clients to our luxury hotel or to place of your choice, you can use voice in the club,

#how can I become an escort?

Make sure to read the rules. Rent at least one ad board in the club. Invitation to the staff group will be send automatically. If you don't receive the group invitation contact Anabella Spark. You can start to work immediately after receiving the group however if you want to offer CAM shows you need to be verified by one of our Managers or Anabella Spark.

#what tags will I get?

All Escorts receive Platinum Escort tag automatically. You can also request additional tags such as Platinum Princess, Platinum Goddess, Platinum Dominatrix, Platinum VoiceEscort, and Platinum CamGirl. To receive additional tags contact one of our Managers or Anabella Spark. There are no additional requirements to get these extra tags except Platinum CamGirl tag which requires verification on webcam

#what are the ad board fees? $L199, L$299, L$499, $L1499, L$1999 per week depends on size and location in the club. You need to pay a minimum for one week to get hired, but you can pay up to 16 weeks.

#why some of the ad boards cost L$1499 and L$1999 per week?

Those are exclusive ad boards. They are located in the best spots in the club and their size is extra large. Additionally by renting one of these ad boards you will receive a furnished two floor home with at our sim with sex bed (including 800 sex animations). Also you will get 300 prims to use so you can rezz your furniture. After renting an exclusive ad board IM Anabella Spark to get landmark to your new home!


#what can I do as a dancer?

Only dance, strip and give lap dances in the club. You CANNOT offer cyber sex, voice/cam shows, sell your pictures. You CANNOT use voice in the club. You CANNOT take our guests to Platinum Hotel. You need to keep your microphone off ALL the time. Dancers CANNOT work at ANY OTHER CLUB in Second Life.

#how can I become a dancer?

Dancers don't need to rent an ad board. However they must make sure to read the rules and meet all the requirements. To become a dancer you need to send IM to Anabella Spark with request to get hired. It can look like this: "Hello. I would like to apply as a dancer at Platinum Club. I understand all the rules and meet all requirements to become a dancer. I understand that I cannot work at other club, I can't use voice in the club, I can't offer any escort services, I can't sell pictures. I added Platinum Club to picks in my profile."

It can take up to 48 hours to proceed your application. We will carefully investigate your profile to make sure you meet all the requirements. In some cases interview may be required.

#what tags will I get?

The only tag for dancers is Platinum Dancer.


Must already be hired as escort or dancer and contact Anabella Spark for details.

4::: DJ Contact Anabella Spark for details.


Landmark to Platinum Club: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Norway%20Island/146/107/80/

Landmark to Platinum Hotel (takes you in front of teleporters where you can choose one of our 8 luxury rooms): http://slurl.com/secondlife/Norway%20Island/116/154/82/

Landmark to Photo Studio and Change Room (if you need to take a photo of yourself or change clothes): http://slurl.com/secondlife/Norway%20Island/127/61/320/ ****************************************************************************


#1 Absolutely no age play or child avatars. Everyone must be at least 18 years old.

#2 All Platinum Employees must wear Platinum tags all the time while in the club even if they are "off duty".

#3 We ask that you do not IM guests upon arrival to the club. instead, greet them in local chat. If the guest has already been seated, please be considerate to the other staff and do not IM him directly. Poaching is forbidden within Platinum and is not tolerated.

#4 Escorts and Dancers can strip for money and give lap dances. The minimum fees are as follows: L$300 - topless dancing L$600 - nude dancing L$500 - lap dance You need to charge at least the above minimum however we suggest charging more. All money for stripping and lap dances MUST be paid through tip jar. Escorts can set their own rates ONLY regarding cyber sex shows, voice/cam shows, selling photos. Customers can pay them directly without tip jar ONLY for these services.

#5 Do not dance on the stage or tables while being away from the keyboard ("AFK"). You are absolutely welcome to stay in the club while being away however please step off the stage and remain on the floor anywhere in the club or sit down on the chairs. You may keep tip jar over your head while being away.

#6 You may accept tips only through Platinum Club's tip jar. Always remain logged in the tip jar when dancing. If a guest pay you tip directly pay the tip jar for them and make sure to remind them to always pay tips through tip jars. Dancers and Escorts must accept tips and money for lap dance through tip jars. Escorts can accept money directly (without a tip jar) ONLY for services such as: cyber sex, voice/cam shows, selling photos.

#7 You are not allowed to invite our guests or Platinum Employees to any other group except "Platinum Escort Club - VIP". Sending invitations to other groups, or your "fan groups", sending notecards or landmarks with invitations to other clubs or places, will be considered as spam and result in permanent ban without refund of any money paid for ad boards.

#8 Platinum Club is open 24/7 and we need girls on the stages all the time. If you find yourself alone on the stage or need to leave and see that there is less than 5 employees in the club please open the group IM (Platinum Escort Club) to call for assistance. We have dancers and escorts from all over the world and all time zones that can come and replace you.

#9 If any guests or Platinum Club employee will try to recruit you to other club please report him/her to Platinum Managers or the owner Anabella Spark. You may receive a cash award from the owner if you report such activity. Recruiting or advertising other clubs is not allowed at Platinum Club and will result in permanent ban without refund of any money paid for ad boards.

#10 Please report any freelancers, griefers and other trouble makes to Platinum Managers or the owner Anabella Spark. Remember that we are NOT A FREELANCE club. Freelancers and griefers will be banned and reported to Linden Lab. Also taking money from a customer without delivering escort service will result in permanent ban and report of your avatar to Linden Lab for money fraud.

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