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How to find something in my inventory that is causing viewer 3 too log me out.

Lillyanna Oleander

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I have more than one second life account. On my other two accounts viewer 3 works as it should. On this account as soon as my inventory begins to load I get logged out of second life ((You have been logged out View IM or Quit, type of log out))

The log out actually takes down my internet connection and I have to reboot my router to get it too work again. 

I have something spamming my logs.

How do I identify what this is and fix it? 

2012-05-28T11:44:24Z WARNING: LLLandmarkList::onRegionHandle: Got region handle but the landmark global position is still unknown.
2012-05-28T11:45:16Z WARNING: LLAvatarNameCache::handleAgentError: LLAvatarNameCache get legacy for agent 81d017ff-e65c-4e9c-91bf-bc21dbd9c917

EDIT: This was a clean install. This is a problem I have experienced on Firestorm and now viewer 3, which was suggested that I try, which makes me think its something in my inventory that is causing this. But identifying one thing in a 20K inventory is not an easy task.


Router- Zyxel P-660HW

Second Life 3.3.1 (254524) Apr 24 2012 06:28:07 (Second Life Release)
Release Notes

Took out location

Second Life Server
Release Notes

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 480 @ 2.67GHz (2660.05 MHz)
Memory: 8051 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 6500M/5600/5700 Series

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.17.0010.1107
OpenGL Version: 4.2.11318 Compatibility Profile Context

libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8q zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1
J2C Decoder Version: KDU v6.4.1
Audio Driver Version: FMOD version 3.750000
Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded)
Voice Server Version: Vivox 3.2.0002.10426

Built with MSVC version 1600
Packets Lost: 0/1,074 (0.0%)

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Someone who knows her way around the viewer source files (Nalates?) would probably be able to tell you exactly, but to me it looks as if either your user data files or the vewer itself is borked.  You might try clearing your cache manually  >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_cache_clear or, if that doesn't work, doing a clean re-install of the viewer >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_clean_reinstall  Both of those links are to information providedf by Firestorm, but they apply to any viewer with minor obvious changes.  A clean re-install is a total re-installation of the viewer, clearing out all user data (which is probably where the error lies), so you will end up having to reset all of your Preferencess, which is a pain.

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From those error messages, it's not an item in your inventory, but one (or two, or more) corrupt things in your avatar data, i.e., your landmark list (well, that IS in inventory, of course, but it's not a "griefing item", it's a data base.) and your Avatar Name cache.

I second the motion for a complete manual uninstall and a clean reinstall. 

If you have multiple viewers installed, be sure to use separate cache folders for them.

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Odd problem... 

There cannot be anything in the database that crashes the viewer. The Lab screens data coming into the database. Some new griefer thing might get in. But, soon the Lab will have a defense against it and filter it out. So, very unlikely it is an item.

There are things that can be rezzed from inventory that will crash the viewer. But, just having them in inventory is not a problem. It may be an attachment on or near the avatar that is the spam problem. They can cause render, pointer, name resolution issues and other problems. Try setting your draw distance as low as possible, zero if your viewer allows it.

Some items can take a bit to download. In the case of inventory, you are getting a list of UUID's as handles for connection to the items for download when you rez, not the actual items. So, you get some text and numbers and they make up your viewer side inventory. I hope this makes sense to you and explains why we doubt it is something in inventory.

With friends lists, contacts, and other avatar name things you are getting information from another database... or databases. In a similar way  the data is filtered and an unlikely source of the problem.

A more likely problem is the size of the data download, the quantity of items. If you are having a connection problem, the additional time needed for the large inventory (yours is not all that large) may be allowing some packet lost to create problems. So, before you start ripping things apart, closely examine your connection. Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection. If your connection is OK, then move on to other fixes.

There is nothing downloading from SL or a viewer crash that can disable your router. That you have to restart the router to get any connection suggests some hardware issue. I find that in 2008 some routers were having a problem (Netgear CVG834G with a wire) with SL. One of their solutions was to turn off VOICE. You can try disabling Voice before logging in. If that works it suggests a connection or hardware problem.

Some routers provided by ISP's are modified for their network. They have different firmware than the retail versions of the model to allow their support teams to more easily troubleshoot. Those modifications can conflict with SL connecting. I doubt that is your problem as the other avatars can connect.

I would check the temperature of the router. If it is running hot, it may be intermittently failing. You'll see packet loss if that is the case. Packet loss can be from other causes. If the router is hot, blow out the dust and get it where air can more easily circulate.

When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. Get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post. 

In this case include your router information. You may want to check whether there is a firmware update available for your model of router.

You may want to add your information to VWR-6734. If you haven't posted bug reports, please read the instructions before posting. The issue remains unresolved because the Lindens cannot reproduce the problem and lack information specific enough. The issue is open and there are a few occurrences of the problem in 2011 and 2012. But, the problem appears to be on the client or ISP side.

I doubt clearing the cache is going to help and may aggravate the problem. Before clearing the cache I suggest you log into Pooley, Furball, or any deserted empty region. My hope is the light load on the server may allow you inventory and name lists to download in a shorted time and reduce any errors slipping in from a connection problem. Keep your Viewer Statistics (Ctrl-Shift-1) open and watch for packet loss and long ping times.

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