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Trying to refind and take tiny object back into my inventory

Thomasine Guisse

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I'm trying to locate a tiny rezzed object of about 90+ prims. Is one of the new petite bodies.  SL was laggy at the time I tried to rez it and item rezzed way off where I wanted it.  It is somewhere in sky on my land.   Found it once by accident but could not zero in on it and take back into inventory.Isn't found using advanced tools to find. And I've found lots of "lost" objects using "advanced"

Any key or sky setting I should use to relocate and take back into inventory?  Or do I have to unlock all items on my land and try to take everything back into inventory, including my building platform in order to get that one item back. "Lassoing" all my objects to take back into inventory has always been difficult for me anyway. Thank you for any resolution to this question.

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3 answers to this question

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Many third-party viewers have an "area search" function that will let you  highlight a named item with a "beacon" - type in part of the name of the body and double-click on the name once it shows up on the list. If you don't want to use a third-party viewer and the body has scripts in it you can do something similar by going into "About Land" and clicking on the "Script Info" button on the bottom of the first page. It will list the things on your parcel that are running scripts and you should be able to locate it in the list.

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Disable the clouds, land,  water, and other things that may be blocking your view.  There can be found in the Developer menu under Advanced->Rendering->Types.  You can use that menu, or press the key strokes CTR+ALT+SHIFT + ( numbers 1,2,3...)

These keystrokes are toggles, so you can press the key stroke twice to turn the feature off and back on.     I would start with  ctrl-alt-shift-5 and ctrl-alt-shift-8  ( water and surface patch ), and you should be able to clearly see the object even when it is underground.   Set your draw distance up, too, so you can look across all your land.





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