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i want bigger land

SirJohn Swain

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I was wondering how i can get more land...

117 prims isnt enough for me.

i dont looking for a whole land

just a part of it,

i want to have at least 500 prims

1000 prims will be better but i wont need more


i want to make advantage of my premium account
It is true i can get cheaper land now with my premium account right?

And does this mean i allways need to pay tier?
Or can i buy a piece of land and then its mine?

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You can't get more prims or land with your Linden Home.  But there are a couple of other choices.

  • You can abandon your Linden Home and buy land elsewhere on the Mainland.  If you buy a 4096 square meter parcel, you will have 937 prims.  Much mainland can be found at a purchase price of $L1 per square meter, or even less.  This will also cost you a monthy tier fee of $25, in addition to your Premium membership.
  • You can lease a similar parcel on a Private Estate.  The "purchase" cost of this land will be very low, in most cases, and your monthly fee to the estate owner will be comparable to the $25 figure above.  You can save some money if you go this route, by downgrading from Premium back to Basic.  You don't need a Premium membership to lease land on an estate.

In answer to your edit:

Premium and mainland is one good way to own land (it's the way I do it).  But it is not always the cheapest way.  Compare your choices carefully.

No, there is no land where you can just buy it, and then it's yours with no further expense.  ALL land will carry some form of weekly or monthly recurring charge.  There are only two exceptions to this:  your free Linden Home, or you can buy 512 square meters on the mainland instead of taking a Linden Home, and pay no tier on it thereafter.  But you want more prims, which means a larger parcel of land, which means you will pay tier.

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I want more too. I want a full sim, 15,000 prims for free so I can terraform like God created earth, sky and stars, and party with 100 friends. :P (not sure I have 100 friends thought... :smileysurprised:)

Sorry, kidding: everything has a price: follow Irene's excellent advice. And most of all, have fun! :smileyhappy:

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I have half a sim I am advertising at the a pro-rata cost depending on what someone would like in size. The cost would be pro-rata to the size and the teirs I have to pay linden. I am not in this to make a profit. It would be that basic cost for the size land nominate.

It is a tranquil sim wilt an oldish world feel to it. Terrafoming of individuals parceis is allowed, with an idea to complementing the rest of the sim. All the amenities in the common area of the sim - 1 quarter of the half I reside is are available for use.

The SIM is called "The Celestial Realm" - feel free to check it out. Feel free to contact me.

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