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Hide our own "lookat" crosshair from others' view?

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I know the SL Viewer lets us enable "Show Lookat," to see where we or other avatars are looking.  But does the Viewer also permit us to hide our own crosshairs from other players, or to always display the crosshairs right in front of us?  Firestorm and Phoenix both have this feature, but I can't find it on the official viewer.  It's not a crucial thing, but it does make me think twice about camming across a room.

Thanks in advance.

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People worry too much about petty stuff.  If you want to enable "show look at" the go ahead and do it.  If you want to hide the fact that you are looking as something the use a viewer that has the feature (though, for the life of me, I can't image any legitamate reason anyone would want to hide the fact that they are looking at something.....key word "legitamate".  If I want to cam in to look at something, I'll do it...without worrying about some idiot getting all paranoid because my crosshairs at on something they think is "sacred".

I suppose perverts peeking under skirts might want to hide their crosshairs.......but who cares what those types think anyway?

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Well, I never thought much of it either. But one day, I was at a concert with my wife. We were deep in conversation and was suddenly interrupted by some lunatic banshee who claimed my crosshairs had been on her for several minutes.  Although I dismissed her as being clearly off her meds, it was a very disconcerting experience and I did think seriously about opting for the Hide crosshairs option.  There are some sick puppies out there.

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I think its kind of funny.  LL has made it so you can't see what other viewers are in use because of security.  Obviously it has nothing to do with security but the fact that the LL viewer was used so little and they just wanted to hide that.  So now if you are interested in finding out who can and who can not see where your looking, you have no idea.  That sounds more like a security concern than just seeing what viewer someone is using.  But IMHO who is looking where and what they are using to look there with is not a security issue.  But LL has successfully upped the drama by hiding tags, IMO.

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Hi, you can hide the crosshairs with the official viewers, but it takes a little more work.  See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Show_Look_At for the needed changes to  character/attentions.xml

It is easier to make changes like this if you install the viewer in your user directory instead of the default location, so that you don't have to deal with read-only problems when editing.

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Hiding "Show Look At" from other has one, in my opinion, bad side effect.  Let's say in your AO you have animations where the neck is free (i.e. your head follows the mouse, your head turns to the direction where you are looking at).  Now, let's say that you are chatting with somebody and you want to look at their face.  When you zoom to the face, normally your head turns there (if your animation has free neck, not locked one).  Now if you hide "Show Look At" from others your head does not follow the mouse anymore.  Instead of turning the head towards the other avatar you are chatting with, your avatar is staring somewhere into the distance. :smileysad:

I'm not fan of "locked neck" animations either because they prevent the nice feature of turning avatar's head where the mouse is pointing.  When we chat in RL we ever so often look at the other person, I like to have same feature in SL too.  :matte-motes-inlove:

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Lejna Aura wrote:

I advertise fashion in SL for creators so I take alot of pictures of what I put together and if someones cross hairs are on me and you can see then then they show up in the photograph as well.It's not all about paranoid people. think before you speak.

I just tested this with my alt. Both avatars ALT clicked each other so that the "show look at crosshairs" were visible on both avatars heads. Both avatars took snapshot of the scene so that both avatars were visible in the snapshots.

The result: the "show look at crosshairs" do not show on either snapshot. Tested with Firestorm 4.5.1 viewer.

So the scene can be full of people's show look at crosshairs and they do not show in snapshots.



They will show only if you have ticked the "Interface" in the snapshot preview window. But who takes snapshots like that? That will show all UI elements, also avatar name tags and the crosshairs on snapshot.


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  • 2 years later...

Anabelle Marquis wrote:

Well it is the question asked and if it is a available option why don't not worry about the question and keep your perspective to yourself and shut up and let someone answer it!

That post is over four years old, and that poster's last post on these forums was over three years ago, so your admonishment to "shut up" has been completely effective -- retroactively.

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