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Why have I and several friends who own linden homes suddenly find that we are unable to rezz objects

iwib Teskat

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2 answers to this question

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There's a bug, well-recognized by now, that makes it hard to rez objects in some Linden Homes >>> Problem of not being able to rez on my land continues  .  Essentially, the servers are having a hard time telling where the edges of your parcel are, so they assume incorrectly that you are trying to rez something on your neighbor's parcel.  Until LL's developers find a way to repair the bug, the way to beat the problem is to rez stuff at the exact center of your parcel.  Try rezzing a simple cube over and over and over and over again until you find a place where you can do it.  You ought to be able to rez anything else at the same spot and then drag it to where you want it. 

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