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Weight Paint Problem Blender 2.63a

Nalates Urriah

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I've run into a weight painting problem. Then I ran into a problem uploading an image to the forum. All I get is the error: This file does not appear to have any content. So, I uploaded to my blog... it has content. Anyone know what that is about?

Back to WP prob...

I started playing with weight painting. I am experimenting with making skirts that will work better when one sits. In the process I found some vertices that will not move as I weight them.

As I paint, normally the color changes and the vertex moves. Except for those vertices I have arrows pointing at. They change color but do not move. I've tried changing weight, brush strength, appending to another file, normalizing, auto-normalize... and no joy.

Does anyone have a clue what I may have done or what the problem is?


Windows Vista 32x

Blender 2.63a - CUDA on GTX560 v301.42

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