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I have folders of individual articles of clothing. I cant get them back or wear them.

Jayden Landfall

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I purchased an outfit today and could not wear it. I Teleported home and was able to remove the old outfit and put on the new. However the old outfit would not derezz. So I relogged and when I logged back every piece of the new outfit was put into individual folders and the majority of them are on the outside of the inventory folder. I can not put the items back into my inventory and if I try I crash. I did have RLV activated and it has deactivated on its own. What can I do?


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2 answers to this question

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It might just be a region issue. I suggest you go to a low lag sim that allows you to run scripts and rez objects. Clear your cache and log at last location. I had the same problem and this did fix the multiple attachments I was wearing. The outfit I had just purchased and was trying to put on was no longer in my inventory after I had unpacked it. I did still have the original, I just had to rez it again. Good Luck.

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SL is acting up badly today.  If repeatedly clearing your cache and relogging to an empty region does not clear up the problem, you may need to file a support ticket with LL.  The one time this happened to me, LL Support was the only thing that managed to fix it.

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