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Virtupix Cruise is HIRING!


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*** VIRTUPIX CRUISE HIRING Events Staff Postions: DANCERS***

We are a Lifestyle venue that aim to deliver the highest level of service and quality in Second Life. We are all free minds roaming in a virtual world. We like to work with people and are true believers in freedom of speech & creativity. Virtupix is growing daily and the platform will have lots of more free features for all the members.

We are hiring experienced dancers (Males & Females) for our Skyclub Deck!

* No classic schedules
* Minimum stage hours is 5 per week
* 80% of tips
* All dancers get bonus features

Visit our Web Site on: http://virtupix.com/

For everyone who's interested in this position, please contact inworld MOTTY Ying or Annaxa Resident!


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