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DrFran Babcock

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Hello all. I am working on a build for SL6B. I have been to the Second LIfe History Museum (wonderful), a few web sites, the Wikia, etc, and have these places as early places that still exist.

The Man on Natoma

The Moth Temple

Ryan Linden's Statue


The Magellan Crash site

If anyone has any other anthropological artifacts of which they are aware, I would love to hear about them. I have created a photo booth that rezzes out scenes in which you can pose. This will allow folks to quickly see what's out there. I also provide Landmarks and information.

Thanks for reading this. DrFran

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I'd try to be helpful, but I don't actually know anything.

For example, I encountered this prim near the northwest corner of Grignano that, in hovertext, purports to be "First Primitive Created on Private Property: March 26, 2004 in Nova Albion" -- but I have no idea if it's real.

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