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Rental Open, 1/2 to 1/32 Sim Parcels open for rent!

Ethen Pow

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Hello, I am Ethan Pow, I run Drakeal Prime, I been in SL for Years. I seen Rental sims come and go. What I expect form Rental is high standard form what people Truely give.

Rental is Payable Via USD(Paypal) or Lindens and you can change how you pay at anytime. Land is fully Terraformable as long it doesn't effect other renters around you. Clubs and Commerical is allowed as long they follow Moderate Rating Guidelines. its not how many sims you have its how you use them.

All Prices on my parcels are listed on non-rented parcels. Rental Box is placed on the edge that is closest to the center.


so come over check my prices, send me a message and I get back to you. I don't bite... much.


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