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I paid for a service. They never provided..

CallyRose Lionheart

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2 answers to this question

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About the only thing you can do is chalk it up to experience.......you lost just over $7.00 USD to a shyster.  It's a resident to resident agreement that you pay someone to do something for you.  You held up your end but the other party did not.....Linden Lab will not get involved (if you think about it you'll easily see why they don't).  Most people in SL are honest but some are not and it appears you ran into one of those who are not honest.  This is an anonymous world where everyone you meet is a total stranger and you must keep that in mind with any transactions you make or have.  You got ripped off and there's nothing you can do except learn from this experience.

This is a virtual world on the Internet.......treat it like you treat the strangers you meet using the Internet.  It's not at all unlike you paying someone in real life $7.20 to wash your car in the parking lot while you shopped.  You paid the person the $7.20 and go shopping to come back and find your car is still dirty and the person is nowhere to be found.  It happens......learn from it.

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Hi CallyRose. The Peggy's answer is totally correct. See the Knowledge Base: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Transactions-and-disputes-between-Residents/ta-p/799395


People sometimes seek help with questions such as the following:

  • I rented a land parcel from another Resident and they are taking it back from me, even though I paid the fees or rent.
  • Another Resident is not upholding their agreement regarding real estate, group management, performance of services, or division of revenue.
  • I paid for something, but didn't receive it as promised.
  • I provided something, but the buyer didn't pay for it as promised.

However, Linden Lab cannot verify, enforce, certify, examine, uphold, or adjudicate any oath, contract, deal, bargain, or agreement made by the Residents of Second Life.  Nor does Linden Lab enforce or uphold rental agreements between Residents.  While you may have a valid agreement with another person, Linden Lab is not a party to and cannot resolve your dispute.   Please contact the Resident involved and resolve the issue with them.

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