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Issues with Marketplace

Lozza Weymann

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I am having issues with my marketplace working when I want to purchase an item it tells me that there is a problem and will be resolved soon, keep shopping! Well it has not been resolved in months! Im not sure what is going on with it. I have spoke to numerous people in SL and no one has been having issues with marketplace like I have. I am not sure what to do.. Could use the help though....

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2 answers to this question

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You might be able to clear it up by doing something as simple as using a different web browser.  For some reason, IE and SL have never gotten along well together.  Firefox and Chrome seem to work much better.  Give one of them a try.

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Besides Rolig's excellent answer, I would suggest minimizing your use of the Marketplace.  The darn thing is just full of bugs.  If at all possible, I use the "See Item in Second Life" button, and go get the item I want at the seller's in-world store.  Failing that, I use the "Buy Now" button instead of the Shopping Cart.

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