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SL Server Changes this week? Screwing things inworld?

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This past week I have noticed a couple freaky things some freaky and broken things that has never been an issue at all until this week.  I have noticed the following things this week:


  1. I have used the MystiTool since 2008 and I have the most recent version installed 1.61 that was upgraded a couple months ago successfully with problems. 

    This week my most used feature - the sim RADAR has frozen with a list of users that it last saw the last time I was logged with MystiTool working (about 5 days ago - not sure the exact date).

    >  On the Phoenix Viewer I do not get any error message but the radar is clearly broken.

    >  On the latest Firestorm viewer I am getting a reporte error on the MystiTool HUD code:

    MystiTool HUD 1.6.1 [script:MystiTool AV Scanner] Script run-time error Stack-Heap Collision
  2. The error that pops up from the MysitTool re-appears ever time I TP to another sim.
  3. Totally unrelated but another anomally that has showed up this week, whenever I click on any dancing ITAN to call for dance poseballs, the balls show up and I sit on them and all is good.  BUT, when I click on the ITAN to request the menu to change the dance, the ITANs are all giving me the menu but also rezzing another poseball. 

    This has NEVER happened before this past week and it is now happening on pretty much any ITAN i use at the multiple clubs I have gone to and used their ITANs. 

Before anyone suggests its changes to my viewer or its my install of the viewer is corrupt or I made some changes this past week....  Let me provide more proof that these problems seem to be appearing because of backend Sim code changes:


  • These problems are happening on both my desktop and Laptop
  • Its happening on both Phoenix and Firestorm
  • I have not upgraded or changed any configuration parameters on either Phoenix or Firestorm.

Is anyone else seeing these symptoms or errors on Mystitool or the ITAN dance tools at clubs?  It seems that LL might have deployed some changes that impacted LSL code or how LSL code is processed or handled?


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The only change to the servers this week was a small change on Blue Steel. The other server channels had the code for region idling turned on but this code had been sitting on the servers unused for some time. None of the other server channels even had thier equipment re-started this week.

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The script error means the AV Scanner script has run out of memory, and it's going to stay that way till it's reset.    I've certainly not noticed any changes in the way llSensorRepeat behaves, nor in the way lists get cleared (if the script knows to clear them, that is), so I'd be inclined to suspect a problem with the hud before anything else.

Do you have to option to reset scripts in it?  Can't remember.

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Well strange how it started this week when I have used this tool and attached it to me almost 100% of the time since 2008.  Also, would the script not be reset every time I log in and it attached to my rezzing Avatar?  If I detach and re-attached the mystitool, would that not reset the script?  If I change viewers would that not reset the script?

I am not a scripting God but I would think that since this problem is now happening as of this week on multiple viewers on multiple PCs on countless logins, after being detached and re-rezzed, the script must have been reset.

And how about the ITAN? which are completely different scripts.  The ones I have used on about 4 different sims / clubs all now offer me new rezzed balls instead of just giving me the menu. 

I am sending a message to the creator of Mysti as she could likely tell me quick what is going on... but seems VERY strange that out of no where a tool I have used for years decides this week to go wonky.

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

Well strange how it started this week when I have used this tool and attached it to me almost 100% of the time since 2008.  Also, would the script not be reset every time I log in and it attached to my rezzing Avatar?  If I detach and re-attached the mystitool, would that not reset the script?  If I change viewers would that not reset the script?

I am not a scripting God but I would think that since this problem is now happening as of this week on multiple viewers on multiple PCs on countless logins, after being detached and re-rezzed, the script must have been reset.

And how about the ITAN? which are completely different scripts.  The ones I have used on about 4 different sims / clubs all now offer me new rezzed balls instead of just giving me the menu. 

I am sending a message to the creator of Mysti as she could likely tell me quick what is going on... but seems VERY strange that out of no where a tool I have used for years decides this week to go wonky.

A script in a hud will only reset on login or on attach if the scripter has written it that way (and normally you wouldn't want it to do that unless there was a good reason to).    As to what's wrong with the Intan, I have no idea, and to my mind it's got nothing to do with your Mystitool.     The Intan is, for some reason, misunderstanding messages it's getting from the menu, which is something completely different from what's happening to your Mystitool.

 ETA -- I've just remembered that, even when a hud is set to reset scripts on rez or attach, that won't work if the script has crashed.   Under those circumstances it has to be reset manually.

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

Toysoldier Thor wrote:

Well strange how it started this week when I have used this tool and attached it to me almost 100% of the time since 2008.  Also, would the script not be reset every time I log in and it attached to my rezzing Avatar?  If I detach and re-attached the mystitool, would that not reset the script?  If I change viewers would that not reset the script?

I am not a scripting God but I would think that since this problem is now happening as of this week on multiple viewers on multiple PCs on countless logins, after being detached and re-rezzed, the script must have been reset.

And how about the ITAN? which are completely different scripts.  The ones I have used on about 4 different sims / clubs all now offer me new rezzed balls instead of just giving me the menu. 

I am sending a message to the creator of Mysti as she could likely tell me quick what is going on... but seems VERY strange that out of no where a tool I have used for years decides this week to go wonky.

A script in a hud will only reset on login or on attach if the scripter has written it that way (and normally you wouldn't want it to do that unless there was a good reason to).    As to what's wrong with the Intan, I have no idea, and to my mind it's got nothing to do with your Mystitool.     The Intan is, for some reason, misunderstanding messages it's getting from the menu, which is something completely different from what's happening to your Mystitool.


I 100% completely agree that the Mystitool and the ITAN are completely different object and scripts... that is why I am saying what I am saying.... they both started screwing up this week.  TWO unrelated objects and scripts - both of which have been inworld and rezzed and running 100% completely good with no errors or anomalies.... until this week.  In fact its not 1 ITAN... the same change of function has started happening to ever one of the ITANs that I have touched this week.  So its many of them inworld on many different sims.

i.e. since these two systems inworld have NO correlation to each other and are both known to have been working well prior to this week.... then the speculation is that the only common root point that both share is the execution of the LSL on by the SIM servers. 

As such.... did LL make ANY changes to inworld that might have impacted how LSL scripts operate?

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The only change common to all channels (which had been tested on Blue Steel, I think, the previous week) was the introduction of region idling when there are no avatars on the sim, or on adjacent ones.   But that can't possibly be what affected your Mystitool, since, by definition, a region won't be idling when you and your Mystitool are on it, and I don't see how it could affect an Intan, either, for similar reasons.     And if region idling was going to break anything,  Mystitool radars and Intans' messaging systems aren't the sort of thing that it would break.   

Have you contacted the person who makes Intans?   Presumably she (I can't remember offhand who makes them but I'm pretty sure it's a woman) will be aware of the problem and be investigating it.

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I use Mysti tool and haven't had a problem with it.  However a friend is having the stack heap collision error constantly on an AO that has always worked fine for her. It began about the same time yours did.  Resetting it didn't work either. 

With Intan, I used mind tonight and didn't have that happen.  Seem unlikely, but it could be the specific intans you were using and it was just a coincidence that you ran into the same problem with four. I'd  suggest a script reset for the intans, which the owner can do.

In both cases if a script reset doesn't fix the problem, I'd contact the creator.

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One explanation for your friend's problems with her AO (and for Toysoldier's Mystitool problems) would be that the script has somehow been recompiled in LSLO instead of Mono.   

How that could have happened I don't know, but it's worth your friend checking to see if she can use Build>Scripts to recompile the problematic AO scripts in Mono and, if she can, to see if it does any good.


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I sent a notecard to the creator of the Mystitool to show her the error code that her MistiTool 1.61 has all of a sudden started generating this week for no reason.  I pointed her to this link as well for details.  My gut feel is that somethiing none of us are aware of has changed in the backend of SL that has triggered this error and lost functionality.... not sure wht.

As for the ITAN, they are not my ITANs - they are that of the clubs I am visiting so I cant IM these creators for an inworld object I dont own.

That some of you are saying you are not getting this error with the mystitool is interesting.  So does that mean that something has happened to my SL account (its config in the LL system / Asset DB) that is causing anomalies with any attached object with script that my avatar interacts with?

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

That some of you are saying you are not getting this error with the mystitool is interesting.  So does that mean that something has happened to my SL account (its config in the LL system / Asset DB) that is causing anomalies with any attached object with script that my avatar interacts with?

No, to my mind you're reading too much into this. 

Your Mystitool radar is, for some reason or other, crashing, and the error message (stack heap collision) means it's running out of memory.   That's really all we know.  

Try resetting the scripts manually, if that's possible, and see if that cures the problem.    I don't know how the Mystitool works in detail, in that it has (or used to have, at least) a load of scripts in it and only the creator is going to know exactly how, and what,  they're communicating with each other, but it seems to me at least possible that you've at some point run into some curious combination of circumstances that's caused something in the system to get stuck.   If that's the case, a simple manual reset should fix the problem for you, at least until you next  encounter that set of circumstances (which may be never).

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@Toysoldier and Innula

Both of you are far more Script-savvy than I, but I have noticed an ever-increasing number of what strike me as OS-related problems in SL of late.

There was a major change made to the Debian Linux OS on which SL sits two weeks ago: those 3 days of service suspensions were when it was done.  The last update, some weeks back,  threw up some oddities.

Now: nothing SHOULD have altered, but in my experince several things are happening.  The "Can't Rez Objects on may own Land" (SVC-7902) issue (which is related to LLCastRay, I believe), and several other related issues for which JIRAs exist, suggest to me that all is not as it should be.

Other odd occurrences relating to scripted objects not behaving as they should have occurred though I cannot give chapter and verse on them.

Some issues with the region-idling code were anticipated, and the logical solution is to ensure that the scripts will handle the extended frame-times that occurr with an idle sim.  However, if the script (as some that I have looked at) is "No Modify" and the creator of that script is no longer in SL, there is a problem.  I am not good enough a coder to completely rewrite a script, so I am not sure what I must then do.

Either way I see an increasing number of situations arising where the Lindens responsible simply do not know what to do to remedy the issues, and that is a worrying situation.

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Ayesha Askham wrote:

@Toysoldier and Innula

Both of you are far more Script-savvy than I, but I have noticed an ever-increasing number of what strike me as OS-related problems in SL of late.

There was a major change made to the Debian Linux OS on which SL sits two weeks ago: those 3 days of service suspensions were when it was done.  The last update, some weeks back,  threw up some oddities.

Now: nothing SHOULD have altered, but in my experince several things are happening.  The "Can't Rez Objects on may own Land" (SVC-7902) issue (which is related to LLCastRay, I believe), and several other related issues for which JIRAs exist, suggest to me that all is not as it should be.

Other odd occurrences relating to scripted objects not behaving as they should have occurred though I cannot give chapter and verse on them.

Some issues with the region-idling code were anticipated, and the logical solution is to ensure that the scripts will handle the extended frame-times that occurr with an idle sim.  However, if the script (as some that I have looked at) is "No Modify" and the creator of that script is no longer in SL, there is a problem.  I am not good enough a coder to completely rewrite a script, so I am not sure what I must then do.

Either way I see an increasing number of situations arising where the Lindens responsible simply do not know what to do to remedy the issues, and that is a worrying situation.

I tend to agree with you.  I am in the IT industry - although not a coder.  But as one that is often called in to spot bigger picture issue that are going on and try to spot symptoms of deeper rooted problems in RL IT operations, I am seeing a correlation of a bigger problem that has crept into the LL systems.  Since I dont know what goes on inside LL IT operations, I can only suspect something has gone on based on a correlation of suspicious anomalies that should not be happening.

When it comes spotting symptoms of deeper rooted smouldering issues in a system, I do not believe in coincidences.  Coincidental semlingly unrelated suspicious anomalies that are triggered for no known reason that can be reasonably explained is something that should not be dismissed readily.  These are the early signs of a deeper rooted problem.

Ayesha could be pointing out the deeper rooted common thread.

The problem is that no one in LL is putting all the reported JIRAs and bubbling up issues together.  To find something as deep rooted as what I suspect LL's systems might have - one has to open up the mind and the scope of the problems that normally would be dismissed as coincidence.

In addition to what I am seeing and what Ayesha has mentioned, look at the rash of Marketplace problems and this morning with the system wide problems.

I think LL might already know they got a biggere issue that they introduced into their system... but they do not have the Kepner-Tregoe like Problem Analysis skills to find root cause.  They are likely fighting the fires as they flare up but not working on the root cause.

There is something going on and its not the fault of the script of Mystitool or the Intans or all the other individual issues... these are just symptoms.

Has anyone else noticed weird events happening and has just dismissed it as a problem they personally are encountering?  I would like to hear it.

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

The script error means the AV Scanner script has run out of memory, and it's going to stay that way till it's reset.    I've certainly not noticed any changes in the way llSensorRepeat behaves, nor in the way lists get cleared (if the script knows to clear them, that is), so I'd be inclined to suspect a problem with the hud before anything else.

Do you have to option to reset scripts in it?  Can't remember.

Hey Innula....

So I got a response from the creator.  She provided details of the issue and the resolution.  I guess detaching the Mystitool and re attaching was not resetting it.  She explained how to reset the script manually.  You were correct....


Hello :) This error is caused by the script running out of memory. The display is "stuck" because the script has crashed. To correct this, please do the following:

1. Edit your MystiTool while it is attached, and go to the Contents tab. 2. Double-click the "MystiTool AV Scanner" script to open the script window. 3. Click the "Reset" button in the script window - lower left corner.

Optionally, you may unpack a fresh MystiTool.

The scenarios which cause the script to run out of memory and crash have been eliminated in development and will be released in the next update of MystiTool. :)

Apologies for the inconvenience! An update should have been released some time ago but RL has recently been very busy and time consuming. :)

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This isn't directly related to the OP, but we had an issue over the weekend that we've never seen prior to the idle being turned on.  When I logged on in my home sim, there was one other avvie present.  I then went to another region.  Upon tp-ing back to my home sim, voice stopped working.  Having had the voice working delayed before, I relogged.  Once I logged back in and started asking, none of us had voice.  A quick check of the land tools showed that voice was indeed enabled, but that entire area was greyed out.

I tried starting a private voice chat, which worked.  Strange.  Tp-ed to another region, all was fine.  Our sim owner got a sim reset and that apparently did the trick.  But now that I've had time to think about it... the sim idile seems to knock the voice channel on the sim down and an avvie tp-ing in doesn't seem to rewake it.

Also.. it wasn't just our sim.  One family member lives on another sim and had the same issue.  Perhaps the sim idle is causing some stop action in worn scripts.  Not that I know a thing about scripting.  But it would seem to me that script resource allocation might get tripped up when a sim is sent into idle (much like the voice incident).


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