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Looking for a PD FIRE EMT CRIMINAL RP SIM to rent


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Well are you looking to actually RUN a sim or just PLAY on a sim? Because there are a few out there that are pretty much like little cities.

If you're amiable to playing with furries and LGBT folks - I RP on a sim that has all of that (My wife and I run the criminal element hehe) called Prideland (do a search there's only one LOL) and we have a PD, Fire Department, EMT, Mafia, all kinds of stuff and more added all the time.

Starting up a city sim like that IS expensive. Between buying textures and elements (if you plan to build your own), scripts, vehicles, buildings, not to mention the Tier fees for a full on sim isn't exactly cheap. So you will probably need to make sure you have enough friends and others who DO plan on committing to some financial support. Otherwise, you really are just better off finding a city sim you like and either a) offer to run an element that you like, b) play in that sim

My wife and I run a decent sized little club - and even having a "club house" with furniture and other things gets pricey. Because keep in mind, you'll need the prims to build what you waht and make it "Good" - now you can always look into like a Horizons Holodeck system - and just rez things you want -but even so, you still need space and prims to make it sorta work.

There are always sims for rent - but will do they have a city with a criminal element... that's kinda doubtful. Chances are you COULD always look into an existing sim that maybe is just sitting around empty. Honestly before my wife and I started our club - I spent a lot of time in other semi-abandoned sims - some with build enabled and played there with some friends.

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