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"Use IT Now" Comes with a BOX in a Folder

Ilyra Chardin

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OK, this is a BIG pet peeve. 

They changed MP to advertise direct delivery and have put a "use it now - no need for land" - for each and every item that comes via DD:


Use It Now

This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.


However, I've bought different products from different vendors that sell via DD and NOT a one of them sent a folder.  I wouldn't care that I have ot unbox it, but what irritates me is that when I sell an item using the magic box, there is a disclaimer next to my item that says you have to have land to open this item.   Not fair, is it?

Balls her tiny fist and shakes it in the air, exclaiming, "I have MP Rage!" :-P

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I'm a merchant and the transitional period has been difficult for those who have many of listing. It's a complex set of things that merchants have to do to get each and every item relisted with DD. I'm sure they just missed this info on the form. Have patience.

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Polenth Yue wrote:

The messages aren't divided by magic box / direct delivery. It's based on what the merchant selected. If they don't change it, it defaults to 'use it now', but nothing's stopping them changing it.

This! It is also a pet peeve that the folks who converted to DD but left items boxed have not bulk edited their items to remove that default. ;)

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I'm still scratching my head over the Usage Requirements field.

The options are : None Unpacking Land Wearable

Where None is the default and generates the "Use It Now" message.

I am guessing that for things like furniture the correct option would be Land because even if it comes unpacked you still need a spot to rez the item and use it.  The description generated is "Land Required This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to unpack and use it."

Is that how you interpret it?  If so, the number of items that actually fall under the default "Use it now" are rather limited as they would have to be both unpacked and wearable.

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Is it true that if you edit your listing - even to just add the correct unpacking requirement - you loose your place in Listings?

Or is Search so broken it doesn't matter anyway?

At the moment I am only editing the unpacking information if I need to make an important change to a listing...


I'd be grateful for someone clarifying this.

Emma :) 

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Emma Krokus wrote:

Is it true that if you edit your listing - even to just add the correct unpacking requirement - you loose your place in Listings?

Or is Search so broken it doesn't matter anyway?

At the moment I am only editing the unpacking information if I need to make an important change to a listing...

I didn't have a drop in sales when I edited all my listings for the unpacking information. Switching to DD actually increased sales. If I had to guess, I imagine seeing an item is DD is a sign to the customer that you're an active merchant (rather than the increase being due to the marketplace).

I can't tell you whether it impacted where I came in search or not, as I didn't check immediately. But if it had an impact, it was short term.

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Emma Krokus wrote:

Is it true that if you edit your listing - even to just add the correct unpacking requirement - you loose your place in Listings?

Or is Search so broken it doesn't matter anyway?

At the moment I am only editing the unpacking information if I need to make an important change to a listing...


I'd be grateful for someone clarifying this.


I'm still using MB's (and will be until I'm absolutely forced not to) and have edited a lot of my listings over the past month - changing permissions, updating description info, etc.  Each time I edit and synch listings and update my MB - the edited items sell immediately, even if they are not one of my typical best sellers.  To me that says that editing somehow boosts one in search.

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TatianaDokuchic Varriale wrote:

I'm still scratching my head over the
Usage Requirements

The options are :
None Unpacking Land Wearable

is the default and generates the "
Use It Now
" message.

I am guessing that for things like furniture the correct option would be
because even if it comes unpacked you still need a spot to rez the item and use it.  The description generated is "
Land Required
This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to unpack and use it

Is that how you interpret it?  If so, the number of items that actually fall under the default "Use it now" are rather limited as they would have to be both unpacked and wearable.


It’s a bizarre demarcation and it applies only to wearable items because even if other items came in a folder, which they're not right now, you'd have to have land or a sandbox to rez and use them.

Pssst...commerce team....included in the things that you make the most commission on are those annoying breedables, which...um...REQUIRE land even if they're sold via DD and come in a folder.

It's a mad, mad masquerade, use-it-now world.

“listen: there's a hell of a good universe next door; let's go”

- ee cummings

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Ilyra Chardin wrote:

OK, this is a BIG pet peeve. 

They changed MP to advertise direct delivery and have put a "use it now - no need for land" - for each and every item that comes via DD:

Use It Now

This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.


However, I've bought different products from different vendors that sell via DD and NOT a one of them sent a folder.  I wouldn't care that I have ot unbox it, but what irritates me is that when I sell an item using the magic box, there is a disclaimer next to my item that says you have to have land to open this item.   Not fair, is it?

Balls her tiny fist and shakes it in the air, exclaiming, "I have MP Rage!" :-P



life isnt fair

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I've been using "Use It Now" for my boats in DD. They aren't packed so that option is out, wearing one may give you a headache so no to that option, and the customer doesn't need their own land so haven't been using that option either since they can use friend's land or a public rez spot to use. "Use It Now" seems to fit the items purpose the most.

But "Use It Now" is a bit of a weird option and hardly what I would call for being the default in a listing, Land or Unpack should be the default in my mind since most of us are coming from boxes which need land to unpack, and some merchants haven't had the time to switch over for many reasons.

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Now this one annoys me -


Land Required

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to unpack and use it.


I've taken the effort to unbox my items but this option suggests that the item requires unpacking. So the cutomer would get the false impression that it will be boxed.


This is the reason why people just leave it as default and move on.

The Usage Requirements are as stupid as the categories. Obviously a 'that will do' attitude was taken.

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I always thought the land option means you need to have your own land where you have landrights to use the object. So i would put orbs and for example radios in this category, nothing else.

Our funiture is marked as "use it now" since it is not in a box, it is unpacked, and you directly start to use it, no own land required if you go to a friend for example.

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Plus, the claims LL is making are not true at all.

Unpacking a box does not require the purchaser to own any land nor have access to land with rez options. Use is Now is also faise, as the item may be scripted and you might be on land that does not allow scripts. To use something, implies that it does something, which implies that it is scripted. It seems quite amazing to me that no1 at LL realizes this stuff before they approve things like this.

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After reading all this (and not even the other posts yet), this transition to DD sounds completely daunting and horrific!  Learning the magic box was child's play compared to this so far.  There is one thing that is clear... the "land required" statement is phrased in a way that makes people think that they need to buy land to rez objects - that's false advertisement (not on the merchants part).  What it SHOULD say is "Can be rezzed in a public sandbox or on your own land."

And if converting to DD moves you to the top of search, then how long is that for because when everyone is forced to use this system, not everyone can be on top.

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