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djjenny Feila

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why the heck i get such an error for when i try to log in second life????

and why phoenix vewer seems to let me log in normaly on win7?

and why any other vewer of second life from 2.0 and after been crushing on vista?

anyway i can get the old sl vewer 1.2.3..ya know (1.0) version...that one jus befor 2 comes out..lol..well..any answer wuld be helpfull thanx alot.cheers

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DJ Jenny,

Hello and welcome to SL Answers. You have asked several questions so in the order you have presented them:

1) Can't Log into a simulator -

Many reasons why this can happen - Rolig cites several in her post. I put the link below and the Login Failure discussion by Jeremy Linden is a good one as well.:


~ also ~


2)  why phoenix viewer seems to let me log in normally on win7?

Graphics Cards control your whole user experience in SecondLife. Your PC & OS & Graphics Card together need to be up to snuff for the SL3 Viewer & Firestorm to work well for you. Recommended reading...


The notion of logging in normally is one of perception. All the main SL & 3rd party viewers work well on Windows 7 PCs. Many times the PC needs patches applied and a current Video driver update. Yes, Phoenix uses less PC graphics resources per se but not necessarily memory. For that matter 2GB memory is a flat minimum I recommend for a PC wanting to run any SL viewer. [i use Win7 PCs as well as Vista PCs to access SL ]

3) why any other viewer of second life from 2.0 and after been crushing on vista?

Once again, . All the main SL & 3rd party viewers work in Windows Vista as well. Many times the PC needs patches applied and a current Video driver update. . [i use Win7 PCs as well as Vista PCs to access SL ]

4) can get the old SL viewer 1.2.3....

No, it's no longer recommended - Use Phoenix or Imprudence if you like this style interface

If you can copy and paste your PC information into this chat thread we may be able to assist you more. Use the SL Viewer HELP / About }viewer name{ option and select the appropriate copy to clipboard option



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