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HellKatz is now hiring, DJ's Hosts and Dancers

Aisha Magic

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Are you tired of the drama that happens in most clubs? Are you searching for a place to have some fun and make some

new friends? Well look no further, HellKatz is a new club in sl and are seeking DJ, Hosts and Dancers.



-Must have own stream

- Must use voice during their set

- They also must take requests

-DJ's get 100% tips!



- Must no how to send notices, run contest board..etc.

- Know how to keep the atmosphere in the club alive

- Hosts get 100% tips




- should know how to emote and be flirty 

-have a good shape and skin

- dancers also are 100% tips


If you are interested in a position at HellKatz you need to be over 30 days old...Please IM Aisha Magic or Alyshae Clarity for an application.



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