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Well some changes occurred on the feeds.  Viale started the Second.Life user.  Second.Life is a 'public' poster and he is looking for followers.  In the past few days Second.Life has posted some cool SL destinations; contests; blog happenings (pic of the day.)  In addition, Tommy Linden is actively participating on the feeds.  On any given day there are three (3) Lindens' posting.  If this is good or bad it not for me to decide, but I certainly welcome their participation; as long as they do not mind my participation.  

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Storm Clarence wrote:

Well some changes occurred on the feeds.  Viale started the Second.Life user.  Second.Life is a 'public' poster and he is looking for followers.  In the past few days Second.Life has posted some cool SL destinations; contests; blog happenings (pic of the day.)  In addition, Tommy Linden is actively participating on the feeds.  On any given day there are three (3) Lindens' posting.  If this is good or bad it not for me to decide, but I certainly welcome their participation; as long as they do not mind my participation.  

Is that like a fake user name whose feed everyone can post on until they get banned?  A no member member?  An no account account?  Anonymous user twice removed?

What can I say Qwal outside of I think they are trying.  They are using the tools and are getting "involved."  They also seem to be listening and respond to feedback; whether it will produce results is not the issue.  

It is my opinion that many, many new sign-ups are never making it in-world; they are using the feeds... so is LL.    

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

it's quiet........too quiet Oo

You've broadened the topic quite a bit there Ceka.   I only really wanted to hear about the feed things we didn't hear about.  Aw... go ahead.  Talk about everything we didn't hear about.


if we didnt hear about it. how can we talk about it. just sumerizing your topic in case somebody doesnt understand. :P

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Interestnig the Second Life, an account created on 427/2012, has a last name, even though we were told this couldn't be done anymore - just saying

WTF  /me punches computer screen and logs into next computer.

i want a last name now. can i throw a fit?

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

I don't know if I'd call it a mirror. I do actually follow @SecondLife on Twitter. They post about different stuffs.

OMG.. now you has to follow both?   Dats crazy. (IMO)

No, I don't follow Second.Life. The feeds are too much for me most of the time (and I actually kinda like everything condensed down to 140 characters or less).

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

emmettcullen93 wrote:

Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

it's quiet........too quiet Oo

You've broadened the topic quite a bit there Ceka.   I only really wanted to hear about the feed things we didn't hear about.  Aw... go ahead.  Talk about everything we didn't hear about.


if we didnt hear about it. how can we talk about it. just sumerizing your topic in case somebody doesnt understand.

It's a bit puzzling.  The idea is the Lindens has time for makiing changes but the documentation staff often doesn't exist.  So sometimes we just have to stumble across stuff and then jump on the forums to get the word out.  Then, because we don't always get told there was a change we also have to jump on the forum and let people know nothing is new.  Just not seeing any changes isn't confirmation there were no changes.  It's like double work for the volunteers but it saves staffing for the Lindens.

well that saves them money now dont it.

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Brenda, I have all mine turned on. I just never look at them. The effect is quite similar.

Now that I think about it, looking at them is also quite similar to not looking at them, in terms of information content.

It somehow reminds me of the reality cable show "Toddlers and Tiaras."


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If I were not so used to it, the amateurishness with which LL is run would boggle my mind.  It is just amazing that a company would add features to its product and not tell anyone, or if it did, would put the information in some obscure place where most of its customers will not see it.  If I didn't know better, I would think the company was run by thirteen-year-olds.

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

it's quiet........too quiet Oo

You've broadened the topic quite a bit there Ceka.   I only really wanted to hear about the feed things we didn't hear about.  Aw... go ahead.  Talk about everything we didn't hear about.

they said all the sekrits i was gonna say.. :P

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

it's quiet........too quiet Oo

You've broadened the topic quite a bit there Ceka.   I only really wanted to hear about the feed things we didn't hear about.  Aw... go ahead.  Talk about everything we didn't hear about.

they said all the sekrits i was gonna say..


and now you got nothing to say ceka. im sad now.

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HI Qwal.  

If you want to move this to your feeds FAQ thread please do so.

A resident asked if anyone knew if the feeds messages count for IM capping?

My response was if you are receiving the feeds comments to your in-world IM's (which many people do) then they are being capped.  This could be very troubling for some.  


ETA It has been confirmed by one 'heavy' user of the feeds that this is NOT the case; IM's do not get capped.

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