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Snapshot Feeds Failing

Jordy Parkin

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Picture this, you find a great place in SL, you get the camera angle right and click to post a feed. The shapshot sticks on processing for what seems an age. You relog and try again - same scenario, so you relog again... and lo and behold same processing time failure. So therefore you lost your picture and no feed.

For what seems a while now, the wonderful new social stream that is the Second Life Feeds seems to be having yet more tantrums regarding the downloading of snapshots. Seems a shame, as the feed is a great idea that should give instant info on cool places and things going on that normally we would not know about. 

Seems that its been borked up a week or two past, i know its not my connection or PC, its a  pretty resonable spec. When are Second Life going to sort this feature out - I know nothing is 100% reliable, but even 50% is good right?

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I have perhaps 1 in 30 photo posts 'fail' and then pass on second attempt.  Make sure you are not running other apps in the background or have other browser windows open.  I do not know what you mean by 'a pretty reasonable spec'.  If you meet the recommended requirements you should be able to post with few difficulties.

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  • 8 months later...




Every time I try to post a picture on my feed, it doesn't work. It is loading a few seconds and then it fails to work. I know my connection is very bad, but since I can copy snapshoots to my computer or my inventory, I think it is something else. I have this problem since I became a resident. I deleted my SL viewer and reloaded one new, but the problem remains.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 months later...

luprincesinho wrote:

I am having the same problem for almost a month.

Actually, I doubt you are having the same problem, since this thread dates back to May of 2012.

A few weeks ago LL decided to perform "maintenance" on the feed and ever since then, it's been messed up for most people and it matters not which viewer you're using.  Private Messages through web profiles is also broken.  No one knows when these issues will be resolved and, since LL cannot seem to be able to give us a time frame, I seriously doubt that even the people working on it know when they'll fix whatever it is that they screwed up in the first place.  So essentially, Marigold is correct... all we can do is wait.


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