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How do I lock my home


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The home I've purchased is really easy to ''take'' while editing or moving things around.  It's even mentioned as an issue in the notecard.  The designer has said I need to ''lock'' it...but she is really poor at explaining just how to do that.  Her instructions seem to be for someone with more sl knowledge than I have.  It comes in a rez box and she has said I have to lock the box before I rez it.  I have Phoenix viewer...how do I lock an item?  I thought I had done so in the edit box...but it disappeared again while I was taking a box and my cusor slipped as I pushed take...sigh...Help.  I really love the house or I'd just get something else.  thanks in advance


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Don't lock the Rez Box. You want to be able to move it once you rez the house to get it in it's final position. Once you have it where you want it, there should be an option in the dialog box to Freeze the house in place. Once you do that, you can delete the rez box. The house should be locked. If not, then you can lock the house using the edit window.

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