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Miranda Umino

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I have noticed that the function llGetObjectdetails returns some values for the parameters


when the input is an avatar . ( not an object )


It has surprised me . Generally , the return values are OBJECT_SERVER_COST=1, OBJECT_STREAMING_COST=0, OBJECT_PHYSICS_COST=0

But some avatars have different values and are not null



I have thought a moment it was maybe  the count of meshes in attachements , so i have worn a clothe with a mesh  to test and verify , but it had not changed for myself 




Do you know why i may have  different values  ?




i think i have found finally my answer .. The values are different when the avatar is sitten on an object, and there are the weights of the object where the avatar is sitten

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These should be the total values of land impact.These values can change quite a bit depending on what the avatar is wearing or sitting on or attached to

. These Land Impact numbers were introduced when Mesh was brought into the picture




I have a mesh hat that has a impact of 5. when I attach the hat to me. the impact of that hat changes to 35
But the hat will also increase my avatars values
You avatar is still pretty much an object
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Thank you , Dilbert , but i was talking about the values returrned by the function 

key keyAvatar = llGetOwner();



But while you have answered to me , i have noticed it s the weght of the seat , and not of the avata . If the avatar is not on a seat , it returns 1,0,0.

I think i have my answer .

It may avoid a call to llgetagentinfo to detect if an avatar is sitten

Thank you again for your time

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So an avatar who is sitting and therefore linked to an object has increased its own OBJECT_SERVER_COST (or the seat's)?  It sounds like avatars become server liabilities when they are linked to objects.  So we should advise people who own venues with lots of seats to remove them, or maybe not let people sit in them, especially if they are wearing mesh.  Does this make sense??

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