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llSetKeyframedMotion() loses power crossing sim border

Jaiden Magic

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I have been attempting to produce a train of sorts using llSetKeyframedMotion(). It works beautifully in the preliminary tests within one sim, but when I tried to cross a sim border with it, the function loses the ability to do anything after crossing into the next sim. The sensor that powers it is still going, triggering the no_sensor events that set off new commands of the next keyframe. But it will not move, nor will it resist my manual movement of the object as it would when working normally in the sim it started in. Moving it back into the sim it was in lets it resume keyframed motion as normal. Stopping and playing keyframes doesn't work, nor does resetting the script or dragging a new copy in the new sim. The only way I can get it to work in the new sim is to pick it up into my inventory and re-rez it across the border, after which it works normally. So it seems to me that llSetKeyframedMotion only works in the sim that the object is natively rezzed to.

The LSL wiki says "Inter-region are supported."

Has anyone else tried inter-sim motion? Thoughts? Suggestions?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just run into this same problem.  However, in my case the motion will resume if I PAUSE and PLAY it (which isn't helpful, but is interesting).  I don't see anything in Jira about it.   Did you find out anything more, Jaiden?


Alternatively, does anyone have a keyframed motion that DOES successfully cross a sim boundary?

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Nika Talaj wrote:

Alternatively, does anyone have a keyframed motion that DOES successfully cross a sim boundary?

Since my last post I verified that the motion dries out a few meters across the sim border.

I can only conclude that the specification: "Inter-region are supported" is wrong

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Have you tried using any of the other physics function such as llSetForce, or toggling the physical state of the object with llSetStatus? Not that either of these are really any kind of solution, since the goal is smooth movement between sims.

I've posted a JIRA issue for the sake of tracking this problem, but it'll probably be easier to get this issue fixed by attending the right user group meeting to get it some attention.

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Haravikk Mistral wrote:

Have you tried using any of the other physics function such as llSetForce, or toggling the physical state of the object with llSetStatus? Not that either of these are really any kind of solution, since the goal is smooth movement between sims.


llSetKeyFramedMotion does not work on physics-enabled objects.  It is more akin to llSetPos than llMoveToTarget.


ETA: Thanks for filing the bug, Haravikk!   (I wouldn't be surprised if this had to be changed to an SVC bug, though.)  It looks like the appropriate meeting is Kelly's scripting User Group, which is meeting today at 9am SLT, after having been on hiatus for a bit.


It's unlikely that I'll be able to make the meeting today.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The bug must have gotten some attention. After a few days' break from the project, I came back to it, using non-keyframed motion to cross the border, and it works perfectly. The bug must've gotten some attention and got fixed. Thanks for the help, everyone!

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