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Can't Log In to Launcher, but can log in to Website.


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I can log in just fine to the website, but when I try to log in to the Launcher, I get a DNS Could Not Resolve the Host Name error.  I can't figure out why, as everything else works.

Also, I just signed up.  So I haven't been into the game yet.


EDIT: Since I can't seem to reply, I'll just edit. 

It doesn't make sense to me that all other programs I have that use the internet work just fine except for Second Life. 

I did try everything you suggested though and it's still not working. 

Also, I didn't know what else to call it :P.


EDIT 2: I've just confirmed that the issue CAN'T be with my network, as I tried running the game on a laptop that's connected to the same router and it worked just fine.  So in summary, my PC which is running on Vista gets the DNS error but my laptop which runs on Windows 7 works fine.  Can anyone explain why that is?

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When you get a DNS error message, it means that your viewer and SL's servers have temporarily lost the ability to talk to each other. Unless there's a problem with the servers (Always check http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ first), it's probably something on your end. So....

(1) Try shutting off your computer, unplugging the router and modem for a couple of minutes, and then plugging them back in and restarting. That simple step may clear up everything

(2) Change your DNS settings from whatever your ISP assigns you as a default. Use Google's free public DNS servers instead. Here's how >>> http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/

(3) If things are STILL messed up, contact your ISP. Maybe they are working on their Internet connections. Mine go down for about 20 minutes once a month or so while they are vacuuming dust out of their servers, or whatever they do.

BTW, Second Life is not a game.  :smileywink:

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"(3) If things are STILL messed up, contact your ISP. Maybe they are working on their Internet connections. Mine go down for about 20 minutes once a month or so while they are vacuuming dust out of their servers, or whatever they do."


The "about 20 minutes once a month or so...." is more likely contributed to your ISP loading in new IP addresses that are periodically assgned to Internet providers. My provider changes my IP address anywhere from a couple weeks to a couple months.


"The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) manages the IP address space allocations globally and delegates five regional Internet registries (RIRs) to allocate IP address blocks to local Internet registries (Internet service providers) and other entities."



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