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Best server for downloading group members data ?

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Hello all,

I had no clue where to put this, so here I am lol. My GF has to update/download her group member data all the time as manager of a club. She has a terrible time on most sims because of lag.

I try to find a totally empty with "perfect sim stats", but even that seems not to work perfectly.

Suggestions please ? Thanks very much for your time in advance.


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At some point the group owner will have to make a new group or prune users that have not logged in in a few years. It has been my experience with groups with high user counts of 10,000 or more they will completely stop fully loading.

It comes to a point it doesn't matter what server you try to load the group on. I would totally suggest the owner does some pruning or create a secondary group. You PC memory and ability to process large lists will also play a factor. I notice severe viewer lag when the group of 10K or more starts mapping the users after they load


I have had groups upto 15K before, when they get at that high, it becomes incredibly worthless to use. My last club had to have 3 groups to accommodate the users. Each group had about 9 K in them after pruning. .. My largest group was over 3 years old. I I cleaned house on people who have not logged in upto 2 years

Once in a while I could load the 15 K group. But very seldom. My wife never could because her PC was half the speed and power of mine...

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