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Looking for mesh denim shorts

Suki Hirano

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Can anyone recommend me some mesh denim shorts, same style as this? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/mon-tissu-Cuffed-Denim-Shorts-X-X-SXSSML-Destroyed-Wash/3436180

Length and texture should be similar to that one. I didn't want to buy more tones as that pair is kind of expensive. None of the unzipped or showing-butt styles please, dislike those.


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Thanks for your suggestion Isabelli, but I already saw that one. I don't really like the bland texture on it, and considering the kit is only 200L, selling one color of an item made from a kit for 210 is well not worth it in my opinion.

As for first reply my first post already comes from marketplace, I think I have the common sense to check marketplace for it, thank you captain obvious.

Looked around for a few more days and concluded the only quality non-kit ones are from Mon Tissu, guess their expensive price is justified. Already got a color though so I'll just wait for them to come out with more.

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