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Direct delivery and the directions for a "Aditi Xstreet SL Magic Box" Folder

Lita Christenson

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My xstreet box was not named this. Do I need to create a folder with this name?  I assume it matters.


Also, do I have to keep my items in a folder for customers to get a folder? (This is going to really push up my inventory numbers). As in are they uploaded and thus taken from LL's system? Or from my inventory? Thus having to keep them in my invy in the way (boxed or folder) I want them to sell.


Thanks for any answers and I hope I can get back here to find them. lol

Lita Christenson

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No, you don't need to keep your items in a folder.  When you send items for Direct Delivery they are automatically placed into a folder, so you don't even need to box them the way that you always used to.  The items remain in LL's asset servers, where they have always been. All Marketplace is doing is creating new links to them in its own database.  Most of the instructions you need are here >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/70019 or elsewhere on that same Knowledge Base page.

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