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My animation isn't working on the upload.

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I'm developing animations using QAnimator, and for some reason, my sitting positions are coming up with the legs straight out in front on the upload into SL. I have set the value to 4, I have tried several youtube videos to trouble shoot this through the program itself, and I keep having the demo show the legs are not down like they are suppose to be for sitting down. The upper torso moves as animated, but not the lower half. What the problem, and how do I fix it?

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Is it a static pose?   If it is you need to have two frames only the primary one and your pose. 

Did you load it as looped?  Make sure your avatar is not wearing any huds or AO's.  Or anything for that matter to be sure. Shoes can have huds in them.

  A hint. Any joint you move from default which is usually zero, is frozen in that position in SL.  So if you want the arm to stay in a position and not be moved by lindens default animations you move all the joints in the arm and hand and shoulder off zero to 1.   I have done this many times for poses.  Like holding a cross in front of the body so it stays there and you can still move normally otherwise.  I created a stiff pose by moving all joints off zero so the avatar will not move at all. I used it for a plant transformation avatar.


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