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Exclusive Fashion items question


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I've agreed to create a few exclusive items for an upcoming fair. The fair will run for 2 weeks and the agreement is you can't ever sell the items again. I have two questions for merchants please:

1. How do you price your exclusive items? Obviously, I don't want to sell them at my regular pricing.

2. I love the designs and want to offer some kind of version to my regular customers. Is this doable? How much do you change your design to make it fair?

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Prices vary from designer to designer.

As far as modding the exclusive item enough to resell - if you made an agreement with the purchaser that it's not to be resold, then I would most definitely consult them as to how much of a modification is required in order for them to feel that the contract has not been breached. 

IMO, when a purchaser wants an exculsive item, not to be resold, then I'd be real careful in this area.


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Hi mtwtfss71,

Whenever I've done something like this, the exclusive item is priced at or below my regular items. These kinds of events can be great for exposure to new people and give them a chance to "try" your creations. I'm a clothing creator, so from my experience, "exclusive" really means in terms of the color combination (primarily).  I've done it 2 ways: 1) a totally new build/design (less frequently due to the development time involved), or, 2) an exclusive color combination of one of my best sellers just for these events (more frequent). I make sure the picture indicates "Special Edition" or "Limited Edition".  I let my groups know where and when it is available and make sure they know that once the event is done, the exclusive item will not be available again.

When in doubt, contact the organizers.

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