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Unrelenting harassment.


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I've been stalked and harassed by the same user for four months now. I have her blocked, but she keeps making alts and crashing the sims I go to, spamming me and my friends, and sending death threats. What can I do, short of a lawsuit, that will make this stop? I've submitted atleast 100 ARs on this person alone, more if you count my firends and the abusers alts, and she is STILL running free in Second Life.

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4 answers to this question

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There is not much more you can do other than keeping sending ARs (and ask your friends to do the same) and move to other sims where you are not known. If the death threats are directly related to real life, you should contact your local police authorities and have them investigate the case.

You could also create an alt that only your close friends will know and avoid your usual places, hoping the griefer will get tired of harrassing your main avatar if he doesn't see you online for some time.

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Stalking is a serious matter.  There are some steps that you can take yourself, others that Linden Lab can take, and some that can only be pursued by RL law authorities.  I would caution you not you do anything that might be construed as retaliation, especially if it involves violating the TOS.  Griefers would like nothing better than to have an excuse to file an AR against you and get you banned.  For an overview of LL's advice concerning stalking, read here >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Stalkers

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In addition to all the suggestions above, here are a few more ideas:

1. Hide your groups so the individual will not be able to know where you frequent or the new places you are hanging out etc. Modify your picks as well so the person does not have an idea where you like to visit etc. It also proves helpful to know the groups that this person belongs to etc. to see if there might be mutual connections "tipping" this person off as to where you are.

2. Make certain that you do not have any "mutual" connections with the individual that may be "helping" this person grief you. The third party may be providing information to the griefer as to where the person can find you etc. Sometimes third parties unaware of the conflict may help contribute to the problem by unwittingly telling the griefer where you are. You may want to reevaluate some of your mutual friendships.

3. Identify patterns with this individual regarding how the person "finds" you. Does this person begin to "grief" you soon after you log on? Does this person find you after you dialogue with another avatar?

4. Set up a support network with your friends. I had a griefer that was bothering me and my friends would let me know if they saw him online etc. where he was and so forth.  I knew then to not go near that sim location.

5. Continue to send ARs. The more documentation you have, the better. I know it can be a pain to have to write these, but it is important to keep a record of these incidents.

6. I also contact the landowner. As a landowner myself, I take complaints seriously and I have sent warnings to individuals who harrass others at my places. After a written warning, if the problem continues, they are banned. I do not tolerate harrassment. I am certain that most landowners feel the same.

Hang in there. SL is a great place to meet wonderful people. Try to stay positive and do not allow this person to bring you down.


Peace -- Cana


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