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I am being stalked.

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What do you have to do in this game to get a Linden to actually listen to you? I've been hurassed since Januray by the same psycho and now she is starting to stalk my usual hangouts and spam-crashing me and anyone else inside. I've reported her and her alts about 100 times now and nothing. The crazy is still here and still making it hard for me to get around. I can't go out to my favorite places without having to worry about her showing up with one of her stupid alts and crashing the sim. This is rediculous.

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Whenever I here something like "reported a 100 times" and there does not seem to be a resolution, i have to wonder how the ARs are being created.  When creating an AR, be very thorough in details, times and locations.  Include screen shots and/or copy and paste public or IM messages.  Keep emotion out of it.  Be direct and to the point, avoiding hyperbole.  Get others who are also subject to or witnesses to the incident.  There is power in numbers.  Instruct them on how to fill out a proper AR.  I have seen ARs work very effectively, but the way in which they are presented, I believe, can make the difference between being acted upon and thrown in the round file.    

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I would post one of my ARs here, I keep a record, but I'm not sure if that would be breaking any silly TOS rules. Lets just say I includ full copy/paste of the chat, persons name, location, screenshot, and any other bits I can dig up. This isn't anything new and has been going on for a long time. I doubt it's my AR skills. If I was running a company like LL and someone was making physical threats and claming they could get any info they wanted because they had a "goverment job", I'd take that serious and use the full extent of my power to make sure that person never sets foot in-world again.

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Rinichi wrote:

 If I was running a company like LL and someone was making physical threats and claming they could get any info they wanted because they had a "goverment job", I'd take that serious and use the full extent of my power to make sure that person never sets foot in-world again.

Why don't you take it serious and use your recourses to the fullest extent of your own power?

A person claiming to be a government employee threatening you with their power and position could be sued. As well as take this to your local police or feds and have them investigate it..



Sounds to me they enjoy getting a reaction out of you ( empowered by reactions )


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as you said. the ar isnt working but sounds to me like the griefer is enjoying getting the reaction out of you. i have done this before. and about the "government job" 9/10 times that is somebody pulling your chain. and threats. record them and give them to LL. first of all calm down. if this still happens there is a big x on the top right click it and all your problems will be solved. also think LL is a human as well they have lives to live too. they cannot be online 24/7 the will need to eat and sleep atleast and maybe pay the bills.

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Ive never been officially "stalked" so I don't know what youre experiencing exactly but it obviously must stop.

It's not a pretty solution but, have you thought about buying one of those attack huds? I know there's a really good free one somewhere.

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jjws888 wrote:

Ive never been officially "stalked" so I don't know what youre experiencing exactly but it obviously must stop.

It's not a pretty solution but, have you thought about buying one of those attack huds? I know there's a really good free one somewhere.

If you do that, you become the griefer. It would be just their luck that LL takes her AR seriously and banns them for retaliating. 


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Seems to me that shooting them up in the air is on a higher pedistal of moral righteousness than following someone and spam crashing them every time they have a moment of peace.


But whatever , it was just a suggestion.

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Being stalked is never something any of us choose but when it happens and LL never listens to any of the AR's it just feels we're talking to a brick wall.

Firstly, (IMO) you should change up your hangout spots. Just stop going to your usual ones for some time. Should you have to be the one to change your SL for this person? No. But if you want to have the chance for this all to fade then that will be a very important step. Plus it will allow you to check out new places that you may have not ever considered before. TP your friends there and have fun like you normally do but without the worry for this stalker.

Secondly, get a 2nd avatar (or at least a new one the stalker doesn't know about) and re-friend your normal hangout friends. That way you can still hang out at the old places if you like and not have to worry. It will at least give it time for it to all die down while you are still enjoying your normal hangout spots with your friends.

Thirdly, just stop talking to this person. The more you communicate with them the more you feed the fire. If you haven't already then you should mute them and any of their alts that they contact you with. No one should have to listen to threats when it is so easy just to mute someone there is no point to listen to threats or greifing. They will probably just get tired of you not responding and move on.

Also, was this person a previous friend? Or how do you know it is not someone you are a friend with now. You said they always seem to know where you hang out.

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Princess Verwood wrote:

Being stalked is never something any of us choose but when it happens and LL never listens to any of the AR's it just feels we're talking to a brick wall.


could you imagine getting hundreds of AR's and have to go through all of them? they are getting them just some are not responded to because of this. they will not have the time in the day to take on the load. and sometimes these AR's are just crap. something to waste LL's time. think of the situation from both views then get angry. :)

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That doesn't make much sense. That was no where near angry, lol. It was my opinion on how I, or perhaps most may feel when ARs go ignored. You don't have to defend LL for me or anyone else voicing thier opinion. If you're just going to make excuses for LL and people who you don't know personally then It'll just be ignored :matte-motes-smitten:

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Consider this, if its gone on since January and you have AR"d it as much as you claim, and LL has taken no action even though they have logs they have a record of everything that goes on, they probably judge his to be just a dispute between two residents, with guilt on both sides, and doesn't rise to the level of griefing or harassment.  I assure you that if this person is guilty of crashing sims as frequently as you say or seriously breaking TOS, LL would have taken action. LL will not involve themselves in disputes between residents. 

There are always two sides to any story and I doubt someone is just doing this to a completely innocent person.  Name and shame works both ways and you may find your own name bandied about in public in a negative way. It all sounds junior high school to me. Act like the better person and be an adult.  Examine the stituation objectively and if you are at fault in any way, offer an apology.  It may be all they are after.

If credible threats have been made against your RL, go to your local police.  Otherwise just ignore the person, don't talk to them, don't accept anything from them, act like they aren't there and have you friends do the same.  It is the attention and reaction that you give that gives them the gratification they seek and they may not stop until you cease giving them the reaction and attention.  Mute TP and Ban are your best choice of weapons.

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Thanks for the advice, guys. And yes, I know her "government job" is bunk or next two it. As far as RL threats, I'm about as concerned about them as I am about the sun falling from the sky. I'll explain the situation in detail and why this is disrupting my SL. I'll change some minor details just encase there is some TOS rule, but most the story will remain intact.

I met this woman at a sim I started visiting back in May of last year. I'm a kid avi, so it's VERY hard to find a place to accept you without pullout out that magical "LL says you can't be here" line or "Your avi is illegal in my country so you must leave" so I was VERY HAPPY to find a place that I liked a lot and they accepted me. Anyway, I hung out here a lot and got to be friends with the owner and some of the regulars. About a month ago, the sim underwent changes which caused them to choose new owners, managers, poo muckers, ETC. One of the girls, who I'm best friends with, became one of the poo muckers. Well, the woman that has been harassing me wigged out and quit her job there. (She was one of the ETCs.) Now, she wants my best friend to be removed from the poo mucker position an fired along with anyone that is friends with her, IE me. She also wants no one to be friends with her. So now we live with the sim being attacked for days or weeks at a time, physical threats, and being spammed with request and such until we DC. Recently, she has started doing it at some big name businesses we're known to visit and that just isn't cool. Even if I do make a second AV, and I have, the abuse will continue there as soon as she sees me talking to my friend. This girl seems to have all the time in the world to make alts and place them around SL with the hope of seeing or hearing my friend talk to anyone.

Here is what gets me, what if this woman does it again? Say tomorrow she stops harassing us because she got another meaningless title at another sim. Say this group fires her for not mucking the poo correct. You'll have the same situation with the same person, but at a different sim. It don't like big brotherish intervention into most things that happen in my SL, but this is one time that I think it is really, REALLY needed. There are just some people that need to be given a real time out, and not just a simple avi ban.

Off topic and some Apache shilling: I wrote this up on Open Office for Android tablets. Is this program smexy or what?! I love it!

EDIT: AHHH! I feel like a fool. I meant ThinkFree Mobile, not Open Office. Why I had OOo stuck in my head, I'll never know. x.x

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If you have all this proof, get your self a lawyer.   Then files a john doe lawsuit naming the stalkers av name and LL as a co-defendant.   That will get their attention.  

Have them served with a  Subpoena duces tecum requiring them to produce all information the have on this person  and any alts.  

With this new found information, call the cops.  All 50 states have some sort of cyber-stalking or cyber-harassment laws.   Call the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility, they investigate government corruption and misuse of authority.   Drag LL into it at every turn. 

If this doesn't work, resort to the final option.   Buy a gun (preferably large caliber loaded with hollow point ammunition) and let the jerk find out where you live (accidentally).    Then reverse the harassment, egging her on until she shows up. Then defend yourself vigorously until the magazine is empty, reload and repeat.

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when you Ar them you don't have to put in the text from the chat..the  correct offense and user name and time and date and location and  a snapshot from their snapshot on the AR tools when possible.. will be all they need to see their logs that are recorded  that will show raw version..

logs from you  or pictures you have taken won't do much in their eyes..they will want to see raw versions untouched in their database..

i'll even help them a long and put in the sections of the community standards  and TOS section numbers  which i am ARing them for as well.

because their AR list is very limited..

i don't Ar a lot but when i do and don't see something that fits on their list..i will AR under  "other" and give them the sections and the line letter ..example..section 8.3  (v) of the TOS..

thats just an example..i don't know off the top of my head what 8.3 (v) is without actually going and looking right now.. lol


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Voice is a seperate program from Second Life called Voice Over Internet Provider, and Obtaining IP addresses is something actually easy to do.

Hey if they made Death Threats though I would just use that as an excuse to call the police/file a complaint on www.Ic3.GOV as long as they actually said it and also AR it so LL has proof on file when the police actually come in.

Griefers can grief no one would care but when they start using Death Threats real or not it can be used against them.

OF Course there are ways to get by with doing that like a Ipad at burger king on a SL account griefing with spoofed information and sending a Death Threat almost impossible to track but yep you get my point ;).

I would also disable Media, Java Script, Cookies ETC. Unless you actually need them there are ways to obtain info from those as well.

Oh and Griefers with Friend/ship callingcard spam, I would Abuse Report it, but there are other things you can do on viewers like Phoenix Block Spam client function ;).

LL does care but they can't control griefers :3 Griefers Gonna Grief its like saying GGG.

You can also did this.

1. Mute/Abuse Report
2. Use your client to block Spam
3. Make sure Build is not turned on on the land so they can't rez objects. ( Object Entry Too) for parcel land.
4. Make your groups invite only, not open enrollment.
5. Make sure you Log everything, even Video Record your Screen Helps, along with Snapshots especially the death threats.

I know its a pain but if griefers wanna play you gotta learn to Tango :3.

Like seriously You can grief griefers back without doing a single thing especially when you can prove to Law Enforcement that they have threatend you ;) Even if they just did it for the laughs you can grief them back because the joke might be on them especially if they have ever done a crime before look at what happend to Red Zone ;) I warned that guy before I filed my complaints for spyware along with others to remove all data of mine without my consent, same thing with some other systems.

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A few comments. People are saying to report this to local police. I don't know about the P.D. where they or you live, but in my city? They don't even always go to actual, live crimes being called in. I can only imagine if I told them someone is harassing me on the internet what they might say (and not do.) Probably laugh and  hang up. Maybe I'm mistaken and law enforcement is beginning to take internet harassment more seriously, but in my experience, they are underpaid and understaffed even for things like car theft, or even murder investigations.

You've said you're not worried about this person's real life threats, so that's good. It's your Second Life she is apparently ruining. (I am going on what you have told us.) For that only Linden Lab can step in. All I can suggest is that the land owner send in an AR or a ticket. Can I just ask, why haven't they? And why haven't they banned the person from their sim? 

If I understand  your latest post correctly, you all work there together. If the person is really bad, why is she still there? Also, I understand there is difficulty going many places with your avatar, but I don't understand staying in a place that is that unpleasant. 

If the person knows it's you when your alt talks to your friend, ask  your friend to also make a new alt to hang out with.

I hate to say it but I've seen this before too: Your friend could BE this other person in actuality. That would be one quick explanation for why this other person always knows it's you and where you are going.

If Linden Lab isn't helping, though, it's time to take some drastic measures and change things up radically. Make an alt that NO one knows about, and see if it continues. Don't talk to anyone your other av knows. If the person still shows up then that gives you more information on their methods. If not, (if the harasser only shows up once  your friends know), then look to someone close to you, is my hunch. Sad, but too often true.

Lastly, for what it's worth, all avatars (except naked or offensive ones, per LL rules) are welcome at any of my land. I don't run the park any more. I let that go due to bad neighbors and to lower tier cost. I do have a half sim beach with amusement park, and some gardens, along with the changing rooms. Your avatars are within LL TOS for moderate land and thus are all welcome. I also do not tolerate any harassment, by anyone, to anyone, so let me know if you visit and that happens. That's about all I can offer.


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