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Group Titles

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One of the fun things that is sometimes missed by new residents is creating titles for oneself in a group.

I bet way more than 90% of the people in this forum have a mini-group that is used for titles. I didn't learn it until I'd been here quite a while; just never occurred to me I could start my own group (with an easily persuadable fellow traveler) and call myself whatever I wanted.

So what's your favorite group title? I only started this because I'm at a club right now and am looking at what I think is my favorite so far, and I"ve been here going on four years. The person wearing it is somene I've see before and while I don't really know her that well I do know she's a very funny and cool person, completely self-assured and not exactly what the title implies. For me that makes it even better.

"Available in 3D"

What's your favorite group title? Your own personal fave to display, the one you most like seeing, the one you've seen that you liked best, or all of the above..


Edited. I can tell from the responses that almost all of the responses were to "What's your favorite group title?" as if I had actually asked the question, "What's your favorite group title?". l do like the personal favorites, but what I actually MEANT, and should have expressed better, is, "What's your favorite group title among those you've seen in SL?", as in, not necessarily YOUR title. The OP was inspired by one I saw, not one I have, and since that was obvious to me I stupidly did not explain that with my question. Sometimes I forget that I'm not talking only to myself. I will (have, by the time you read this) edit(ed) the question.


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My current title for my group is Disko Fleshpot (which is a TKK song).  I can't exactly remember why I set it to say that, but it's been that way for a long time now and I haven't given much thought to changing it.  There is a title, which I'd requested in another group I belong to, that's actually my favorite, but it wouldn't be appropriate to divulge here so I'll refrain.


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Venus Petrov wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

I'd forgotten I was going to be on the road this morning. Some good answers, but I think I like Kelli's Mod/Trans/No Copy best. Banned in RL is close, though.

I did not realize this was a contest.

we have a winner :)

I'm in a few groups where I'm honoured to have been invited to, wear those titles with pride. No need to create a title of my own.

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