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TOS and the vulnerable adult players

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I seem to be having a bit of an issue with the TOS rule of not naming offenders and abusers. I feel that unless they are known about then they can continue to hurt others until someone finally gets enough on them to make an official report. There are, among kid community, quite a number of vulnerable and easily abused grown ups who can easily fall prey to some less desirable characters. I believe that there should be people in world you can go to who have lists of names of all potential abusers.

Bringing this here in the hope that others will agree with me and we can make a peaceful campaign for change.


princess gata

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Princess Gata wrote:

I seem to be having a bit of an issue with the TOS rule of not naming offenders and abusers. I feel that unless they are known about then they can continue to hurt others until someone finally gets enough on them to make an official report. There are, among kid community, quite a number of vulnerable and easily abused grown ups who can easily fall prey to some less desirable characters. I believe that there should be people in world you can go to who have lists of names of all potential abusers.

Bringing this here
in the hope that others will agree
with me and we can make a
campaign for change.


I don't agree with your post.  I think the AR process is more than adequate.  Quite frankly, so is the TP mechanism.  If you are being harassed then file an AR and leave.  



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Princess Gata wrote:

Well then you should know that sometimes there
isn't enough factual evidence
to make an official report and that people can be scared to, secondly it can feel too real and
not a game that you can tp out of


Oh my!  OH MY!  

/slowly backs out of this thread.  

Maybe I will return, but, but, but...


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Princess Gata wrote:

Well then you should know that sometimes there isn't enough factual evidence to make an official report and that people can be scared to, secondly it can feel too real and
not a game that you can tp out of

First off, if there isn't enough factual evidence to report something then there sure as heck isn't enough factual evidence for some third party to put someone on a 'bad list'. 

If someone is too scared to report something then they should leave SL or stay very isolated in SL and proceed to some RL therapy.  Yes, SL can seem very real at times to some people, but if they are so overwhelmed as to not be able to TP away or log out, then again, the should leave SL or stay very isolated and proceed to some RL therapy.

However, in case you didn't really get my first point, I'll repeat it:  if there isn't enough factual evidence to report something then there sure as heck isn't enough factual evidence for some third party to put someone on a 'bad list'.



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Very bad idea. 

If there is not enough evidence to file an abuse report than what makes you think someone should be added to a 'list' of 'less than desirable characters"? How would you prevent someone from adding someone due to a vendetta or simple misunderstanding? It would be an easy way to ruin someone's reputation on a whim and smacks of vigilantism or a witch hunt. People are innocent until proven guilty by evidence, at least here in the US.  Maybe not where you live,but LL is a US based company. 

If you have no evidence,then they aren't guilty and have no business on a 'list'.  If you have evidence,file an abuse report. You don't even need iron clad evidence, just a little, as LL has access to lots of data you don't if you give them the information as to who is involved, what you think they did,  the date time and location.  LL can then judge far better than anyone else if more action needs to be taken.

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Im sorry but if you dont have any factual evidence then you obviously dont need to be spouting out names, thats for sure...

Nothing wrong with reporting a issue you feel may be harmful even if you dont have all the facts. LL can look into it them selves and discover the facts.. But to name users on simply a hunch is exactly why it is not a good idea. Use the system as it was intended and or call the local authorities if you think something is amis.

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Jacki Silverfall wrote:

These are adults. If they can't AR, Mute, TP then its time to quit the game. push the big red X.

I agree. If there's not enough factual evidence to warrant filing a report, then there's not enough actual transgression to warrant filing a report either.. which pretty much means someone is just getting waaayyy too touchy and butthurt about things that don't actually cross the line. The TOS covers a lot of things, but it doesn't say that people aren't allowed to be a**holes.

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Princess Gata wrote:

I seem to be having a bit of an issue with the TOS rule of not naming offenders and abusers. I feel that unless they are known about then they can continue to hurt others until someone finally gets enough on them to make an official report. There are, among kid community, quite a number of vulnerable and easily abused grown ups who can easily fall prey to some less desirable characters. I believe that there should be people in world you can go to who have lists of names of all potential abusers.

Bringing this here in the hope that others will agree with me and we can make a
campaign for change.


princess gata

Hello again, Princess.

When we were at school and someone was mean to us, we could go and tell a teacher, and give the mean person's name to the teacher, but it would never have been ok to write on the blackboard "Bobbie Hovington"* pinches, punches, and takes your dinner money. 

In the same way, here in Second Life, when people are childish enough to be mean to another resident, it does no good at all to "write on the blackboard" about that mean person. I mean, if you name someone on your profile, or on forums, or send information in groups, saying someone is mean or griefing, then it does no good. 

So you see, what you do need to do, is what the others in this thread have said also - you must click the "help" button inworld, and submit an abuse report to Linden Lab - BUT if it is only verbal name-calling, then remember, "Sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but calling never harms me".

Block/mute a meanie.  If they try to push you, sit on a wall or a chair or the floor (they cannot move you then). And NEVER EVER tell a meanie they are a meanie or you are going to report them - remember how much meaner meanies got at school when you did this?


Edited to add:

* this is a made up name, and any resemblance to a person alive or dead is purely coincidental.

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I want to know what a "vulnerable adult" is.  An adul, legally, is defined as a person 18 years old or older (in the United States anyway).  It is assumed that a person who has lived to be 18 yrs old has gained enough experience in life to be able to discern right from wrong, good from bad, and truth from lies.  Of course, not everyone quite reaches that level of maturity by 18 years of existance, but the majority of people do (heck even a 16 year old can have the experience in life to qualify as an "adult" (but, legally, they are not).  If someone is an adult and they are "vulnerable" then life is going to be tough for that person until they do reach a maturity level to qualify them as "adult".  That means those people need supervision when interacting with other who have reach the level of adult in maturity.  And further, no one can force that person to get that supervision.......hence their life is going to be tough (that's just life in this world).

What we don't need is a vigilante group to protect those "vulnerable adults".  Who has the proper (read that as factual) information to determine both the "vulnerable adult" needing protection and who is preying on that "vulnerable adult"?  In SL, the only people who has access to such information is Linden Lab..........from logs of every event that takes place on the grid.  Everything else is just hearsay, hunches, suspicions, he said, she said and/or vendettas.  No one gains and the potential for everyone losing to great.  It's not up to you (or anyone else) to say what happened or what was done to anyone........you don't have the information (and you don't have any way to gain that information) so you are preying on both the person you want to try to protect and the person you say is abusing the "vulnerable adult".  Use the abuse reporting tools LL gives you and let the people who have that information make the call.

This a variation of the age old "Name and Shame" argument I've been reading in the forums forever.

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Princess Gata wrote:


I believe that there should be people in world you can go to who have lists of names of all

Now, tell me, how do you define a potential abuser?

Somebody used the term witchhunt, and that's exactly what this will become.


Bringing this here in the hope that others will agree with me and we can make a
campaign for change.


princess gata

Replace campaign with witchhunt and then try to call it peacefull again.

We have persons who carry such a list, that group is named Linden Lab, and they do good to not publish that list.




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Aren't all members of the "kid community" adults, the same as any of us? We are all grownups, capable of filing our own ARs, clicking our own mute buttons, and are all equally capable of teleporting away from things not to our taste. I don't understand why any are vulnerable and need special help from others to do these things once the basics of using a viewer are conquered.

Is this a case of  using "please think of the virtual children" to lobby for a reduction of every resident's right to privacy and protection from slander?

Thanks goodness restrictions are put on naming and shaming. We have enough drama and harrassment in SL without adding to it.

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Marigold Devin wrote:

When we were at school and someone was mean to us, we could go and tell a teacher, and give the mean person's name to the teacher, but it would never have been ok to write on the blackboard "Bobbie Hovington"* pinches, punches, and takes your dinner money. 

I pulled-on the all the girls pigtails, and I was always reported.  My only defense was that the girls were the only ones with pigtails to pull.   

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Storm Clarence wrote:

Marigold Devin wrote:

When we were at school and someone was mean to us, we could go and tell a teacher, and give the mean person's name to the teacher, but it would never have been ok to write on the blackboard "Bobbie Hovington"* pinches, punches, and takes your dinner money. 

I pulled-on the all the girls pigtails, and I was always reported.  My only defense was that the girls were the only ones with pigtails to pull.   

Aha! As I suspected - you, Bobbie Hovington have just outed yourself !!!

/me slaps you playfully on the arse      arm

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

/me slaps you playfully on the arse ....


I just love that Brit term.


Are you sure that was a "playful slap" and not a little squeeze in the middle?  In the US we call that gropping. 

haha :matte-motes-big-grin::matte-motes-big-grin-wink::matte-motes-evil-invert: you know me well :matte-motes-silly:

/me pulls Peggy to the back of the class with Stormee and offers a sherbert lemon...

sherbet lem.jpg

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Princess Gata wrote:

I seem to be having a bit of an issue with the TOS rule of not naming offenders and abusers. I feel that unless they are known about then they can continue to hurt others until someone finally gets enough on them to make an official report. There are, among kid community, quite a number of vulnerable and easily abused grown ups who can easily fall prey to some less desirable characters. I believe that there should be people in world you can go to who have lists of names of all potential abusers.

Bringing this here in the hope that others will agree with me and we can make a
campaign for change.


princess gata

I think this is a wonderful idea and a great way to make new friends. :matte-motes-wink-tongue:

Let me be the first to volunteer to have my name put on that list.  Because, honestly... anyone stupid enough to give any credence to some arbitrary list of supposed evil-doers, to which anyone can be added for any reason, needs to stay as far away from me as possible.


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can I just add that in the last week one of the kids in a family I am with had rl paedophile convictions, and that when I tried to make a report on another with evidence **bleep** all was done for like ages. Oh yeah, AR works right? I have distanced myself from the rl. pead who was thrown out of the close group when it was discovered. So yeah, AR is so helpful - excuse my sarcasm

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