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How old do you need to be to use Second Life?


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5 answers to this question

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When you register for Second Life, you provide your birth date, because you are required to be at least 16 years old. Exception: those 13-15 years old allowed if they are restricted to the estate of a sponsoring organization. For more information, see Teens in Second Life.

To access adult content, you must confirm that you are at least 18 years old by visiting the age verification web page.

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Yeah. The catch is that a 13-15 year old cannot leave the sim of the organization that sponsors him/her in SL. So, if you met a free-range 14-year-old, you were right to file an AR. The rule is there to protect young teens from predators.

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To be able to go to all sims: 18 and older

To be able to go ONLY to the G-rated sims, 16 or 17 can also sign up, but they can't cross into the other sims and I think they can't even see the non-G sims. They can, however, IM someone who is 18+, no matter where they are, and you have no way of knowing they are only 16 or 17 unless they admit it, or unless you require them to join you in an M or A rated sim and they can't comply.

The 13-15 years olds can only log in to specific education estates designed for kids, and they can't access or communicate at all with the main grid. The adults that can go to those education sims for kids have special accounts that are also locked down to those estates only, and have to undergo background checks.

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