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The Torch SL Guide looking for models, writers and photographers

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We are always looking for people to join our team please note that these are voluntary positions at the moment.

Jobs and Descriptions Are as follows

Writer Job:
As a Torch SLG Writer, it is your job to info our readers about what Second Life can offer them. You will need to visit Locations (sometimes places of your interest) more often places that are newbie friendly  or could be interest to newbies.

There are several sections to write for :

SL Destination: You visit amazing sims and you write about them, giving your opinion of the place. Under this section you will also have to write about Clubs, Concerts or any major event that might happen in SL. You will be working with the Torch Photographer.

Fashion Writers: You find clothing store that might be a good place for newbies to shop and you write about the clothes and the prices.  You will also need to take part in hunts and be up to date with the latest fashion, you will be working with models and the Torch SL Secret Shoppers for this Job.

Advice writers: This is reserved for the most experience of Residents, who would like to share their stories with newbies. You are your own photographer.

Techie News Writer:We are looking for someone who is up to date with the technical  side of Second Life. Someone who is interested in keeping up to date with news on the upcoming viewers and changes to Second Life that will benefit newcomers.

You will need:
To understand speak and write English Fluently
Know how to Use WordPress.Com
know how to get in touch with Sim Owners, Designers and other interviewees.
Know how to extend a short article or cut down a long one without losing the context.

If you don’t know any of these things, we are happy to teach you

Model Job:

As a model for the Torch, you will go to designated stores and pick out one or more outfits within the price range specified (most often 0-100L$). You will then try the outfit on, modify what needs modifying to fit your avatar and model the clothes in front of the camera.

What you need to know:
Basic Second Life operations
How to buy items in Second Life
How to find things in your inventory
How to take on outfits
How to modify outfits to fit your avatar
How to use poses

If you don’t know one or more of these things, we’ll be happy to teach you.

Photographer Job:

As a photographer for the Torch, you will go to designated locations and take snapshots of the most significant parts linked to the articles written about the location. You will also work on-site and in studio with photographing the models.

What you need to know:
Second Life Snapshots
Second Life Environment Settings
How to set up lights
How to modify pictures in Photoshop, Gimp or similar software
How to upload pictures to WordPress

If you don’t know one or more of these things, we’ll be happy to teach you.


If you want to apply for any of these jobs, send an email to thetorchslguide@gmail.com with your SL name, what job you're applying for and (if you have any) your previous experiences with that kind of work.

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