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Second Life Classes for Newbies


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Hi, I've been searching and searching for Education Classes that teach you about your inventory, putting on clothes and all of that sort of thing. I have convinced many of my friends to join second life with me but it's hard trying to explain the basics of second life and most of the you tube videos are old. It would be easier to go to a class but I haven't been able to find any. Anyone know of any? Please share :) Thanks!

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New Citizens Inc (NCI for short) I think organises such things.
One problem with in-world teaching is that the teacher can't see your screen, and you can't see theirs. Especially with people using different (and differently configured) viewers is that simply telling someone to for example click "Avatar->Health->Lag meter" to bring up a window may not work for everyone.

If you have specific questions, most people are more than happy to help newcomers (if it doesn't take too long of course, many won't have the patience to do a one on one session lasting hours to get you to figure out how to use your inventory).

As to the videos being old: many are but are still mostly applicable (certainly the basics). Things may look somewhat different on your screen but you should be able to figure it out.

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A lot depends on what your friends need.  I took a second, slow, deliberate, walk through of one of the welcome islands when I was about 3 months old and actually learned a good deal.

NCI has classes: http://nci-sl.info/education/Schedule.pdf or https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=nciclassesandevents@gmail.com&ctz=America/Los_Angeles&gsessionid=OzcfA2SQNgb9z-68wiRwCA but as already mentioned, these aren't great for the most basic of beginners.

The destinations-->newcomers menu has links to at least three places that have instructional posters--White Tiger, Fairy Crossing, and Caledon.  If you can navigate welcome island you can navigate any of these.  

There are a couple of other newbie instructional destinations that I don't think are included in the destinations link, but I have been meaning to put them into a notecard for students so if you IM me that would serve as a reminder to me and get me moving.

Thinkerer's website also has some good stuff for newbs.  I can't find a link right now, but I expect he'll show up and provide one before too long. 


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