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Merchant outbox problem


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I created a store through website and in browser I open the merchant outbox to upload items. But when my mouse is over the "Drag item here to create folders" field, it turns into the forbidden sign and as you understand I cant upload my item.

My item is no copy/modify/transfer, a price has been set through its properties and Im using the latest firestorm client.

Am I missing something?

Thank you for your time.

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When you are trying to upload the items, are you logged into the marketplace in your browser?  Some users have reported that having their browser open and being logged into the marketplace can help with this problem.  If that's not the case with you, then it's probably a known issue already reported on the JIRA.  If you post your computer environment (PC or MAC and OS) it's more likely that someone will be able to post a link to the correct JIRA for your particular set up.

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I don't believe that it's true that "most merchants cannot".  Some yes, most are able to upload.  Also be aware that adding a comment to that JIRA will not get personal help.

LL's behaviour on this is to deflect support tickets on issues like this to send customers (the paying customers of MP, i.e. merchants) to post on a bug report.  That's all that it is but having deflected the support ticket, that gets closed and +1 to the "tickets closed" statistic.

There are many posts from merchants on a number of JIRA comments where it would appear that they have been led to believe that adding their store name will have LL scurrying off to address their personal issue at a development level, it won't and adding a "me too" comment at this stage won't get any more traction.

I'm not being negative here either, just hoping to articulate what the JIRA process does and doesn't do.

The CORRECT behaviour is that Support *should* be keeping every single ticket on this open as "unresolved" UNTIL the bug is fixed, released and the JIRA updated to that status.    Only at that point is the issue resolved from a support perspective.


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TransPleasure wrote:


Let me ask you something that it may sound irrelevant, but its not. Can I leave my avatar logged in-world without having my computer turned on?

Only if you employ the services of a bot provider or similar or host it on a service.  "A" service needs to host it somewhere.

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TransPleasure wrote:

Oh you mean a server.

Either way a client must stay opened in my computer or somewhere else, right?

Yes, there are some services which will host the logged in avatar for you so that you don't need it on your PC.  You'll have to search more for details, I don't use one. 

It all depends on what you want to stay logged in for really.

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TransPleasure wrote:

I have a web server and I could build my own marketplace with a database. So if anyone buys from that mp I could write a function for my bot to send the item.


You don't need a bot for that.  What you describe is a function of a networked vending system and they'll typically just use http-in and instruct a box inworld to perform an llGiveInventory() and send the item to the purchaser.

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