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friends list wont update when i first log in?

Jessi Euler

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When I first log into SL .. my friends list shows no one on. I know there are several people on because I can see them in my dashbaord. If someone logs in after me .. they will show up but the little green figure beside there name remains grey. I have tried: reinstalling viewer .... different viewers including viewer 3.... different pc... deleted my cache .... deleted my viewer profile .. it was working fine then just stopped.. Any help is appreciated ...

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Several people have been complaining of this problem.

First step should be to check your connection: Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection

Next... When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. Get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.


Also, if you have your bandwidth over 1,500kbps, turn it down to something less.

Check the region stats in Viewer Statistics (Ctrl-Shift-1). Region Phsycs FPS and Time Dilation should be 45 and 1.0. Anything below 30 and 0.8 can contribute to the problem you are seeing.

The common reason for the problem is system lag, SL system. Relogging to a deserted region usually clears the problem. 

Oddly another cause is font size. If you recently changed screen font size that could be the cause. Or if you changed font size in your viewer (this is a TPV thing).

Mac's have a DNS problem that can prevent the friends list from loading. See: Google Public DNS. Keep at least one of your existing DNS servers. Use 2 of Google's or OpenDNS's servers and one of your ISP's with your ISP's being last. This can also speed up performance a bit.


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