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wtb sculpty or mesh for a sailor collar

Kittie Faerye

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I have started to make my own Japanese sailor school uniform. I am not good at creating mesh or sculpties.  The one item I am asking for is the scarf and flap that wraps around the neck.  I bought a uniform that had modify on it so I could use if for ideas and use as a tempary.  It works but I have seen other unforms out there with a better scarf / flap or the   sailor-style collar.  See Link for more detail. sailor uniform  I want to buy a full perm sculpty or mesh that is for the Japanese Sailor uniform, the Sailor collar is what I need.  I am not looking to start a busness I just want to make my own Japanese Sailor uniforms for my own personal use. 


EDIT: I found what I was looking for. 

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