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Amythe Moonlight

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Conundrum is re-opening after a major rebuild.We have shops to rent in our Shopping Village of The Anchorage

Amongst the  custom-built shops is a cafe and around the sim there are various things to explore including an adventure train ride, a live music venue, romantic gardens and beaches and a castle as well as areas with greedy and clue tables with 10 pin bowling to follow.

We have a few shop units still available at the following prices:

Custom built shop unit - 25 prims - 200L a week

Custom built half-shop unit - 12 prims - 100L a week

Market carts with 10 prims - 80L a week may be available on request.

NO resellers or Business in a box please.

Currently we have a mix of art, fashion, gifts and jewelry- most with a romantic bias.



Please contact Amythe Moonlight ingame for more details and an information notecard


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