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Why won't Search and profile viewing work?


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I never had this issue until just recently. When I try to bring up my profile to edit it, the window is entirely gray... the same goes for when I try to view other people's profiles and when I try to use Search. My friend is also having the same issue at the moment, though it could just be coincidence. Is anyone else having this problem, and if not how can I fix it?

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2 answers to this question

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You should always look at Second Life Grid Status Reports to see if a grid wide problem has come up. It can take a couple of hours for a problem to appear there. So, keep checking while you try to resolve the problem.

You can do a quick check to see if it is you are the Lab's web site that is the problem. In a web browser visit http://my.secondlife.com. That will bring up you profile. You will have to login if you haven't used the web page in your browser.

Search is the same way. Use http://search.secondlife.com.

There is sometimes a credintials loading problem that blocks the viewer from showing web pages. Once you visit with your web browser, that usually clears up. So, the visit with your web browser can fix the problem, provided the sites are up.


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Lots of things you can try. Simply teleporting into an empty sim can help profiles load better, as can flying up above 200m - works for me when I'm waiting and waiting for profiles to load, or search to get past "loading ..."

In extreme cases, unplugging modem for a few minutes, and relogging can refresh the broadband connection, making things load faster. The fact your friend is also having the same issue might be due to an issue on the sim you're on - again, I'd suggest you both teleport out to Furball or somewhere equally empty and lag-free to see if things load. Try a relog there if it doesn't work straightaway. 

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