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Insufficient funds ? in Aditi preview grid


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Hi all just spent like 1 hour looking for ansewr on web and in here and cannot find .

I am in Aditi to try out some object I have made.. being new here and no money yet till I learn a bit more about how to use more of Second Life's options and so on, I found this caption about using preview grid to test before paying to upload.  I click calculate cost and it tells me failed to upload due to insufficient funds

If preview does not charge to upload and test why do I get this or do I need some L$'s still just to complete the process?

 Thanks for any help with this


Tip: To avoid spending Linden dollars while experimenting with uploading models, you may wish to use the  preview grid also called "Aditi". The preview grid allows you to test new features and experiment with potentially costly designs in a safe environment, using a copy of your Second Life account. Actions taken on the preview grid cannot affect your inventory or L$ balance on Second Life's main grid.

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You do need a L$  balance to pay the upload fees. These are not real L$ and cannot be exchanged with main grid or for real $. So they are pretend money. If you have none, someone cwill give you some. There is a Linden you can ask to increase your Aditi balance, but I can't remember who it is. Anyone?

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When you log into Aditi for the first time, you should find your account there has been credited with several thousand L$ that can only be used on that grid.  

So I'm wondering if it's not simply a case of your viewer not having registered these funds -- as sometimes happens with the "real" L$ we have on the main grid.   In the first instance, I'd try the same fix you'd use on the main grid -- that is, click the L$ icon at the top of the screen to try to persuade it to refresh your balance.

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

When you log into Aditi for the first time, you should find your account there has been credited with several thousand L$ that can only be used on that grid.  

I was under the impression the aditi balance is the same as the agni balance. So if you have 3 lindens on agni and reset your password, you'll have 3 lindens on aditi. I remember that not always being like that ... but I could be wrong in both assumptions. Either way I don't understand why LL doesn't set the balance to a certain amount every time you log in. This having to reset or having to ask for more sounds a bit unneccecary to me.

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Don't bother asking any Linden there.  

They ignore any and all questions, people are rude there which doesn't help either.


I spoke too soon.  A couple people kindly informed me that you can do two things: reset your password or use an alt.  If anyone has edit access to the Wiki and knows how to do fully explain it, that information should be placed on that page (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Preview_Grid_Common_Questions for example).

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