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How I insert a new motion in my Avatar?


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Hello people,

I am a new player of Second Life and I need some informations.

Please anyone know, how I to insert a new motion in my Avatar throught of a video.

For example, I record a free kick video with my cam, I transfer this video for my computer and how to insert this motion in my Avatar?

Thanks :)



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Paulituh26 wrote:

Hello people,

I am a new player of Second Life and I need some information.

Please anyone know, how I to insert a new motion in my Avatar through of a video.

For example, I record a free kick video with my cam, I transfer this video for my computer and how to insert this motion in my Avatar?


I'm not sure if you want to create your own animation(s) or you seek to just animate your avatar with some of the cool poses and AO's in SL so I will only speak to poses and AO's.  First it is possible to write your own animations in SL, but I would wait until you get a little more comfortable with the environment. 

Here is an old Wiki on animating your avatar; watch Torley's excellent video to help get you started. 


If you have some Linden dollars you can go to SL marketplace and purchase addition animations (almost anything and everything is available)

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Well, you are saying that is impossible insert a video motion in my Avatar?

This is a bad new for me! :( I will be waiting for pose and AO's answers, ok?

I have seen this video, I like and I think that it not difficult. 

If you know a expert guy in this thematic, advice me, please.

Thank you very much for all.


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Paulituh26 wrote:

Well, you are saying that is impossible insert a video motion in my Avatar?

This is a bad new for me!
I will be waiting for pose and AO's answers, ok?

I have seen this video, I like and I think that it not difficult. 

If you know a expert guy in this thematic, advice me, please.

Thank you very much for all.


I'm assuming that by video motion, you mean Motion Capture. Yes, SL uses the bvh format, which allows you to create motion capture animations and import them into SL. Motion capture is created using a mocap system, which is not going to allow you to create from a random video. To do this, you'd have to use a program like Maya, Motion Builder, or a few others. They allow you to import a video in the background, and then you can match up the avatars movements frame by frame with the video. Few people do this kind of animation creation today, but it is possible.

@Storm - Thanks for the mention!

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Great post Medhue Simoni! You are the bigger! :)

Yes, I search that.

I need this recommendation for work with animation! So, my Avatar do different things. 

Thanks for all!

Storm and Medhue Simoni. thanks for yours advices! :)

Best wishes


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