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Where is a good place to advertise my marketplace store?

Khalhys Ahren

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I got started on actually making some merchandice for my shop, but I don't know how I can legitemately advertise it. Seeing as I have no land, and I doubt I can advertise on the forums, I don't know where to turn.


Accepting help. Many thanks in advance.

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3 answers to this question

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The best advertizing is word of mouth.  It takes time, but if you have good quality products that people want, they will show their friends.  You can sometime use good quality freebies to spread the word a little faster. I also believe strongly in selling in world, not simply in Marketplace.  Marketplace is fine as an on-line catalog store, but customers get to see your stuff in different ways in an in-world shop.  They can walk around it, view it from different sides, get a feel for how big it is and what it looks like in a "real" setting.  Even clothing, which is still largely marketed from pics on wall-mounted vendors, looks different when you see it displayed in a shop in world.  More than half of my sales are now on Marketplace, but some of my best repeat customers come to the in-world shop.

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