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Is this suspicious activity to be concerned about?

Nicholas Melchior

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For several months I have noticed my sim being visited by avatars each with variations of the name letugrobot. These avatars will sit on the landing point for several minutes and then leave. There is no outward indication of mischief, but they never display any profile information and there is nothing to indiate what they are doing. It's been suggested to me this could be anything from someone collecting names for spam lists to a legitimate statistical tracker bot for Linden Labs. Is anyone familiar with this or recognize that name? I'm not sure if I should be blocking access to prevent potential griefing or other mischief or not. 

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Really hard to tell these days with the amount of copybots that have been made over the years. I do know that some websites use bots to populate their lists for places to go. and or Shop and sites like gridsurvey.com use bots,. Harmless bots. I would imagine if it was a malicious bot. they would use an incogneto name and not use BOT in their name. Do they have profiles? I have seen some scraper bots with information in their profile depicting that they are a search bot. With links and info...

I guess the decission is up to you to report it or ban them . But if they arent doing anything that you can not see outright, then maybe they are okay..

I havent heard anything about that bot name

But the name seems more like Robot instead of bot  letug Robot what ever that means lol

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People who run bots often look for a nice quiet place to park them when they aren't off doing their bot stuff.  It's safer than putting them in a public sandbox, for example.  It can be kind of creepy, but if they aren't doing anything, there's no harm.  As the landowner, you can decide whther you want to put anyone on your ban list --- no need for explanation.

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I have noticed these visitors too. I suspect they are bots collecting statistics for a third party, similar to the bot Virtual Littlething collecting region data for SL Grid Survey. I would really appreciate bots being identified as such, it seems only polite. I banned this bot from my parcel, and then ran into it on another parcel in the region.

Also - the avatar did look like a robot :) It stood silently and disappeared after about a minute. I notice that it visits two to three times a month.  

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