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How does one get their sim or community on the destination guide?

Bella Denver

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2 answers to this question

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Venues and content featured in the Destination Guide are not paid placements. However, we welcome Resident suggestions for cool spots to feature. Some entries included in the Guide are also surfaced on the website for Residents exploring SecondLife.com for the first time. You can submit a venue for consideration on the Destination Guide Suggestion Page.

You may suggest a destination using the form if:

  • You personally own the parcel.
  • You belong to the group that owns the parcel.
  • You are on the access list of the Private Region that contains the parcel.
  • The parcel belongs to Governor Linden and is set in ABOUT LAND > OPTIONS tab as a Hangout.
  • The parcel belongs to a friend and is set in ABOUT LAND > OPTIONS tab as a Hangout.
  • The parcel is 512m2 or larger.

Suggested venues must comply with all of the following:

32px-KBwarning.png Warning: Do not suggest content that is copyrighted or otherwise subject to another party's proprietary rights (including privacy, publicity, trademark, and trade secret rights) unless you own the rights or have the owner's permission. Content determined to infringe upon intellectual property rights is removed from our website and services.

Residents are limited to two suggestions per month. You can also email the Destination Guide editors your  suggestions.

Much more information at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/About-the-Second-Life-Destination-Guide/ta-p/700059


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