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Merchant log delivery state terms UNDEFINED

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I have been a marketplace merchant for several years, and adopted Direct Delivery when it was released.  I have had a number of errors in my transaction lists that are completely undefined by LL's SLM team. There is no documentation available anywhere that defines these terms. I would like to have these terms defined so that I can take appropriate action when I see them in my logs.  These terms must be defined in the marketplace merchant help files.













Delivered, that's a given, and we know that payment was made.  Aborted?  At what step?  Was there no money to exchange or did the customer just give up on the cart?  Expired?  Failed?  How are these different?  Complete?  What the heck is this? Queued?  What queue?  Delivery or payment.  And what the heck is USER EXCEPTION?  I have six of these.




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Hi Meri, many Merchants have asked for definitions of these terms, to no avail. In fact, it seems that the definitions can actually change or be inaccurate (i.e., "Queued" is supposed to mean no money has exchanged hands and the order is just waiting in line, but there are reports that money has been taken, no product delivered and no refund given).

From experience, here's my best understanding of the definitions. Please know, this is from my POV and in no way reflects anything official from CTL simply because nothing official is anywhere to be found.

~ Delivered - lol, supposedly that means everything was success, but as we know, we often have requests for "redelivery" even with DD.

~ Delivery Partially Failed - Something in the cart didn't make it to the customer. If the cart was mixed Merchants, your item might have made it, but another Merchant's did not. You have to look at the order details to see if your part was "Delivered" or "Failed" not available for redelivery

~ Queued - Somewhere in the system, but "supposedly" no money taken/received, no product delivered

~ Aborted - It's not clear if this is the customer choice to cancel an order, or, if the system cancelled it for some reason. Mother's Day had a number of issues, and many orders were stuck in Queued. On the Monday following, CTL "aborted" all those orders.

~ Complete - Never seen this used. Should mean everything was ok.

~ Being Delivered - It's in process and should turn to Delivered once it reaches the customer and the entire cart is complete. Of course, there are plenty of orders that are stuck in Being Delivered (customer actually does have the item, did pay, but money not forwarded to Merchant). There's a JIRA for this one to post the order numbers so that the orders are manually pushed through by CTL.

~ Delivery Expired - Unclear. I've got this status on some and yet the products were delivered, paid for and I received the funds.

~ Processing Payment - Another one like Queued. Sometimes these will go through, sometimes they fail. As far as I know this one is subject to the shopper's side of things and their payment method and whether they have funds in their account.

~ User Exception - Most likely the customer canceled or their payment didn't go through.

Maybe other Merchants will chime in here on this thread and add their ideas of what these terms mean.

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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

Yea I have been wondering what DELIVERY PARTIALLY FAILED means. 

Something like a partially competent company with partially competent employees in a partial team producing a partially working product.

It leaves room for optimism, you could also say it partially succeeded in a way that a clunker of a car might get you within a few miles of your destination before breaking down.

I'd say file a partial Jira, but you only receive partial payments from LL for filing Jiras (meaning none). Because a good percentage of Jiras are not solved, often mis-merged and partially used as customer support, you stand a partial chance of success. Or failure, I forget which.

I now make partial tier payments equal to my partial payment for contributing to LL on an employee level. Which means none, but none is more than less than nothing, and so is a partial too.

Rant partially over.



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As you mentioned Arwen, too bad that when the MP Transaction that states "DELIVERED" on my logs, it did not actually deliver to my customer this weekend and I had to REDELIVER the item.

Customer contacted me... said he bought 3 items via Shopping Cart on MP.  One item from one Merchant was a delivery via DD and it successfully delivered, but the remaining two items in the shopping cart from myself and another merchant was a MB delivered item and both failed according to him.  When I checked my transaction log it showed DELIVERED.  I pressed REDELIVER and he received the item that I redeliverd.

Dont know if this is another anomoly with the flakiness of the Shopping Cart that it cant propoerly handle delivery of items from merchants with DD and MB delivered item.  BUT.... the term DELIVERED does not mean it was successfuly delivered.

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This is semi related: I tried to redeliver, which didn't work, then decided to directly send my client the product from inworld. The problem is, the marketplace order only showed a part of his/her name. Even in my LL account, transaction history, it only shows what appears to be the first name. Other than contact all avies inworld with the same first name, what would be an option?


Thanks for any suggestions.

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Ok, here's the official list of terms.  I opened a case and asked and Dakota Linden responded.


Thank you for contacting Customer Support regarding SLM Order Status definitions.

Aborted - The Marketplace could not process the payment from the buyers account to pay for the products.

Being Delivered - The Marketplace successfully transferred the funds from the buyer and is in the process of attempting to send the product to the buyer in world.

Complete - The order has completed

Delivered - The Marketplace received confirmation from the Magic Box or the Direct Delivery system that the product was sent in world.

Delivery Expired - The Marketplace timed out the order waiting for confirmation that the product was sent but an error occurred and the status could not be set to Delivery Failed.

Delivery Failed - All of the products on the order could not be sent.

Delivery Partially Failed - One or more products on the order could not be delivered.

Processing Payment - The Marketplace is attempting to have the funds transferred from the buyers account to pay for the order.

Queued - The Buyer pressed the checkout button to process the order but the Marketplace is waiting for communication from the Second Life System regarding the Payment.

User Exception - The buyer did not have enough funds in their account to pay for the order when they clicked on the Checkout button.

An order should go through the following steps within about 50 seconds:

Queued - Processing Payment - Being Delivered - Delivered

If there is an issue that occurs and the order cannot be completed fully, you will see a different Order Status depending upon what happened in the process, or the order may stall at one of the steps in the process.

I am still curious about some of these processes.  Direct Delivery was supposed to transfer a specific UUID of the item purchased from the merchant's folder on the marketplace to the received items folder of the customer.  It was supposed to happen on LL's asset servers, thereby bypassing in-world status completely.  That should mean that whether you have 25 unread IMs, or your IMs are capped, or you have 25 unread notifications or are offline should not matter (all of these plagued magic boxes).  

Given that the delays and waiting are eliminated, why are some direct deliveries going through without marketplace being notified of delivery and debiting and crediting money accounts?  I have had several issues of failed deliveries, yet the items did arrive in the customer's received items folder yet I was not paid. I DID finally get paid after putting in a ticket and proving my claim, but still.


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