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Wonderful SL

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I had a great time in SL this weekend. :womanhappy: I had been without a computer for 10 days. The new one ~Fenrir~ is wonderful, now that I've got all the settings & preferences about where they need to be. My dsl connection is slow, tho, so I still have lag but I'm finally seeing textures & shadows & fine detail the way I should & it looks gorgeous! I spent mostuv the weekend working on my Winamp playlists. I didn't loose any music when my old computer died but I did loose the way it was all organized, so I mostly worked on that this weekend, w/ SL running in the background. 

Saturday evening I attended a fundraiser for a Parkinson's cure, DJed by my sister Dream Decosta ~the QueeN of RocK~ & had a wonderful time! She raised lots of L$ for a worthy cause & her tune selection was masterful .. as always! The dance was supposed to be formal & knowing my hippie ways Dream's partner & my dear friend Blue gave me a gorgeous gown to wear. I didn't have time to change into it tho so just went as I was .. wearing a kinda sorta semiformal outfit. It was okay tho .. I'm use2 being underdressed in SL! LOL It was late for me & I was sleepy but made it thru Dream's set & had a great time!

Then on Sunday morning I was getting ready to go to DJ Messalina's weekly gospel & blues set @ Riverside Blues club but got an invitation from Hippie Bowman to attend a rezz day party instead. Some of the ppl there I knew from HippieStock 2, some from this forum & some I didn't know. Everyone was friendly & the sim gorgeous! The wonderful Lillie Woodells provided live entertainment. Her voice is luscious & the tunes she chooses are outstanding. Lillie is a superb talent!

Then things died down in SL & I worked on my playlists until midafternoon when I got a notice that Rhia Yuhara was performing @ a new ballroom venue called Stork Club. This gave me the chance to wear the very nice gown my sis had given me. Rhia was wonderful, as always, & the hostesses gracious & nice. 2 or 3 couples & 7 or 8 women in gorgeous gowns were dancing alone as Rhia sang. I loved it! ..but where were all the guys? Watching football or playing WoW I suppose. Come on guys .. I woulduv loved to have had a dance partner! LOL

I share this cuz I want ppl to know what a nice time I had in SL this past weekend. The music was great, the grafix superb & the friendship & convo interesting & funny. & it was all for free! (Yes, I did contribute to the Parkinson's cure.) What more could anyone ask for ?!?


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JeanneAnne wrote:

I had a great time in SL this weekend. :womanhappy: I had been without a computer for 10 days. The new one ~Fenrir~ is wonderful, now that I've got all the settings & preferences about where they need to be. My dsl connection is slow, tho, so I still have lag but I'm finally seeing textures & shadows & fine detail the way I should & it looks gorgeous! I spent mostuv the weekend working on my Winamp playlists. I didn't loose any music when my old computer died but I did loose the way it was all organized, so I mostly worked on that this weekend, w/ SL running in the background. 

Saturday evening I attended a fundraiser for a Parkinson's cure, DJed by my sister Dream Decosta ~the QueeN of RocK~ & had a wonderful time! She raised lots of L$ for a worthy cause & her tune selection was masterful .. as always! The dance was supposed to be formal & knowing my hippie ways Dream's partner & my dear friend Blue gave me a gorgeous gown to wear. I didn't have time to change into it tho so just went as I was .. wearing a kinda sorta semiformal outfit. It was okay tho .. I'm use2 being underdressed in SL! LOL It was late for me & I was sleepy but made it thru Dream's set & had a great time!

Then on Sunday morning I was getting ready to go to DJ Messalina's weekly gospel & blues set @ Riverside Blues club but got an invitation from Hippie Bowman to attend a rezz day party instead. Some of the ppl there I knew from HippieStock 2, some from this forum & some I didn't know. Everyone was friendly & the sim gorgeous! The wonderful Lillie Woodells provided live entertainment. Her voice is luscious & the tunes she chooses are outstanding. Lillie is a superb talent!

Then things died down in SL & I worked on my playlists until midafternoon when I got a notice that Rhia Yuhara was performing @ a new ballroom venue called Stork Club. This gave me the chance to wear the very nice gown my sis had given me. Rhia was wonderful, as always, & the hostesses gracious & nice. 2 or 3 couples & 7 or 8 women in gorgeous gowns were dancing alone as Rhia sang. I loved it! ..but where were all the guys? Watching football or playing WoW I suppose. Come on guys .. I woulduv loved to have had a dance partner! LOL

I share this cuz I want ppl to know what a nice time I had in SL this past weekend. The music was great, the grafix superb & the friendship & convo interesting & funny. & it was all for free! (Yes, I did contribute to the Parkinson's cure.) What more could anyone ask for ?!?


Hugs Jeanne!!  It was a wonderful pleasure to meet you!  I'm so glad you were able to come to the breakfast party ;) 

Thank you for your kind (if not inaccurate) words.. hehe 


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SL was pretty amazing for me the last few days. I didn't meet any wonderful new friends, and it still crashed once or twice. The graphics weren't perfect, and there were some little glitches here and there.


It was still wonderful. I was in touch with people all over the world. I inhabited a 3D environment that was being rebuilt on the fly 20 to 40 times per second by the very people around me. I met dragons, latex dolls, angel and demons (and plain old human folk). Most of the time I'm not amazed, but ever now and then I remember I should be. 

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Lillie Woodells wrote:

Hugs Jeanne!!  It was a wonderful pleasure to meet you!  I'm so glad you were able to come to the breakfast party

Thank you for your kind (if not inaccurate) words.. hehe 


~Hugggzzzzz~~ ~ Lillie :womanhappy:

Thanks again for the wonderful music Sunday morning ...


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Kelli May wrote:

SL was pretty amazing for me the last few days. I didn't meet any wonderful new friends, and it still crashed once or twice. The graphics weren't perfect, and there were some little glitches here and there.


It was still wonderful. I was in touch with people all over the world. I inhabited a 3D environment that was being rebuilt on the fly 20 to 40 times per second by the very people around me. I met dragons, latex dolls, angel and demons (and plain old human folk). Most of the time I'm not amazed, but ever now and then I remember I should be. 

Hi Kelli. Glad SL has been amazing for you lately! Yeah .. there's always crashes & glitches .. When I was new I crashed like every 5 minutes w/ Viewer 2. Now I seldom crash & w/ Fenrir ~my new puter~ I can have graphics settings up & it looks amazing !! It's wonderful being able to see mesh now & not have my fps drop to 7. I love it !! Still get lag in crowded clubs tho .. My housemate & I are considering dumping dsl for cable ...

Yup! Last night I danced with an Italian guy then with an Aussie .. My fps were between 35 & 42 even w/ the mesh enabled viewer. I'm falling in love w/ SL all over again! LoL Thanks to Fenrir & my brother who built him :catwink:


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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

Looks like they are all rushing to agree with you, once people felt they could express themselves, then the dark cloud of censorship turned up and now as in Russia under Stalin all but the brave keep quite, in those few words lay the fate of SL.

Boudicca !! I love your namesake. She's a heroine of mine. She sacked Londinium & put 70K Roman imperalists to the sword !! She RwwwKs ...

So SL under LL is like Russia under Stalin? Us lowly residents & players are like Ukrainian farmers in the 1930s? Or us posters in this censored forum are? I think we're more like kidnapped Africans under Jeff Davis .. or the Lakota under the Grant regime. Or like the Afghan & Pakistani people under Bush-Bama, w/ their murderous toy aircraft .. or something ..

Yeah .. i h8 LL & h8 the censorship in here .. but i intended this thread to be positive & to honor those who give us pleasure in SL w/ their music & DJing .. I'll rag on LL elsewhere .. if you don't mind .. :womantongue:


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Boudicca was a symbol, others used her to rally the people, her forces may have killed 70k Romans at the start, but as her army grew so did the politics, her advisors from the first days were replaced by people that thought they knew better, as a result when her so called generals saw a roman column of just 10k Romans they used that common US tactic of shouting "lets get them", she could not stop them, most were drunk, even though their numbers were 100k, the new generals were pampered aristocrat's that had only learnt to count, they counted 100k on their side and 10k on the roman side, so should win, the Romans had picked there ground at the bottom of the hill and formed what they called 'wedge formation', as the brave Britons run down the hill as a mass and hit the shield walls they could not swing their swords because of the men pressing from behind, and the Romans behind the men holding the shields stabbed at those pressed against the shield, the Romans killed all 100k of them and only lost a 100 men or so, the moral of the story is, this is what happens when the elite take over.

Once upon a time SL was started by a man with a dream, then the elite took over

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

Boudicca was a symbol, others used her to rally the people, her forces may have killed 70k Romans at the start, but as her army grew so did the politics, her advisors from the first days were replaced by people that thought they knew better, as a result when her so called generals saw a roman column of just 10k Romans they used that common US tactic of shouting "lets get them", she could not stop them, most were drunk, even though their numbers were 100k, the new generals were pampered aristocrat's that had only learnt to count, they counted 100k on their side and 10k on the roman side, so should win, the Romans had picked there ground at the bottom of the hill and formed what they called 'wedge formation', as the brave Britons run down the hill as a mass and hit the shield walls they could not swing their swords because of the men pressing from behind, and the Romans behind the men holding the shields stabbed at those pressed against the shield, the Romans killed all 100k of them and only lost a 100 men or so, the moral of the story is, this is what happens when the elite take over.

Once upon a time SL was started by a man with a dream, then the elite took over

Cool post Boudicca! Yeah .. it was a hopeless cause. The wild Celts ~my ancestors~ didn't have a chance in the long run. The imperalists always win out in the end, & crush the yearning of the human heart for freedom. I'm always on the side of the underdogs, be they Celts against the Romans, Russians against the Nazis, Palestinians against the Zionists, Afghans against the Soviets or NATO, or Nigerians against Shell Oil. I'm also on the side of residents & content creators against LL. Rock on sister ..


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Kelli May wrote:

And the Romans weren't brave for standing firm, outnumbered and far from home, against ten times their number of screaming Britons?

Maybe they were brave Kelli, or maybe they were more scared of being crucified for desertion than they were of the Brigantes. Doesn't matter. They were imperialist pigs **bleep**ing over indigenous people in their homeland. As such, they deserve no sympathy.


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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

I am so pleased you said " Palestinians against the Zionists" and not jews, jews are not to blame and are victims to, it is good to see that some people can understand the difference.



A very brave man indeed.


Indeed. :womanwink:


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Storm Clarence wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

Jo Yardley wrote:

What have the Romans ever done for us?

Crucified Christ?


Hmm, I am not so sure how accurate your statement is, but there is no proof either way. 


They crucified Brian, much worse.

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Storm Clarence wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

Jo Yardley wrote:

What have the Romans ever done for us?

Crucified Christ?


Hmm, I am not so sure how accurate your statement is, but there is no proof either way. 


True enuf Storm ..

No 1st person eye witness account exists to verify that Jesus even actually ever lived.

Gospels were all written many decades after the fact by unknown authors other than the disciples whose names they bear. No Roman or Jewish historians who woulduv been contemporary w/ him mention him. Josephus mentions him but he wrote nearly a century after the alledged date of the cruci-fiction. Pliny the Younger mentions him but his dad ~ who woulduv been contemporary~ does not. Many of the gospel stories about him were plagiarized from Essene texts that had a "Teacher of Righteousness" playing the role of Christ.

So .. no evidence of his existence that would stand up in a court of law exists. Doesn't mean he didnt tho. Some itinerant rabbi named Yeshua ben Yosep ~or several of them~ may well have been wandering around in those days, pissing off the Roman. No1 knows ..

(Edit) Which is why youre sposed to accept the whole thing on faith, I guess ...


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JeanneAnne wrote:

Storm Clarence wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

Jo Yardley wrote:

What have the Romans ever done for us?

Crucified Christ?


Hmm, I am not so sure how accurate your statement is, but there is no proof either way. 


True enuf Storm ..

No 1st person eye witness account exists to verify that Jesus even actually ever lived.

Gospels were all written many decades after the fact by unknown authors other than the disciples whose names they bear. No Roman or Jewish historians who woulduv been contemporary w/ him mention him. Josephus mentions him but he wrote nearly a century after the alledged date of the cruci-fiction. Pliny the Younger mentions him but his dad ~ who woulduv been contemporary~ does not. Many of the gospel stories about him were plagiarized from Essene texts that had a "Teacher of Righteousness" playing the role of Christ.

So .. no evidence of his existence that would stand up in a court of law exists. Doesn't mean he didnt tho. Some itinerant rabbi named Yeshua ben Yosep ~or several of them~ may well have been wandering around in those days, pissing off the Roman. No1 knows ..

Which is why youre sposed to accept the whole thing on faith, I guess .


Or just enjoy the book(s.)   I read many; I enjoy them for what they are, but at least I read them.


ETA When I write enjoy I mean to enjoy the richness reading brings into our lives.  Read everything -- then form your own opinion.   

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JeanneAnne wrote:

....or several of them~ may well have been wandering around in those days, pissing off the Roman. 



EVERYONE pissed off the Romans in 'those' days; it was the 'day' of the Roman ya know :|

If I were alive in the day of the Roman, I am sure I would have pissed them off... with no relent; and smiled all the way to the cross.      

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Storm Clarence wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

....or several of them~ may well have been wandering around in those days, pissing off the Roman. 



EVERYONE pissed off the Romans in 'those' days; it was the 'day' of the Roman ya know

If I were alive in the day of the Roman, I am sure I would have pissed them off... with no relent; and smiled all the way to the cross.      

Woulduv been cool to have had a machine gun in those days.

Coulduv  ruled the world !!! .....til the bullets ran out


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JeanneAnne wrote:

Storm Clarence wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

....or several of them~ may well have been wandering around in those days, pissing off the Roman. 



EVERYONE pissed off the Romans in 'those' days; it was the 'day' of the Roman ya know

If I were alive in the day of the Roman, I am sure I would have pissed them off... with no relent; and smiled all the way to the cross.      

Woulduv been cool to have had a machine gun in those days.

Coulduv  ruled the world !!! .....til the bullets ran out


You would only have to fire it twice; 1st time so that Caesar can "say hello to your little toy:"  the 2nd time to show that the first time was not magic.


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