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smoothing avatar


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In some other programs avatars look just as crappy and edge ridden as SL avatar bodies...you know what I mean, shoulders that don't render right, abdomen that folds into itself...ugly hands and feet...and dont even get me started on my cankles...

However, with other avatar programs you can turn on smoothing and then the avatars look great.

I dont know..is there any setting in preferences that will make the avatar body look liess like angles with poorly rendered corners?

and is there any way when I make a skin that I can get the underlying avatar to stop turning every smooth curve into an abonoxious mishapen alignment?

Im constantly going back and forth back and forth when I try to create new eyes for my skins...very hard to do.

I dont really want to have to make a mesh body to do what the mesh body in SL should already be capable of -- never mind the fact I wouldnt even know how.

ideas? anything coming down the pike frm the lindens? 

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People have been begging for better avatars for years.  There is even a JIRA for it. 

The problem i have heard though is that if they redid the mesh on the avatar a lot of things would be broken that would mean most if not all of what people have in their inventories for their avatars useless as well as all the stock of merchants selling clothing skin,etc.  The problem with the avatar we have is the skeleton and that would have to be changed which would probably change everything from rigged mesh, to skins and system clothes mapped to thecurrent avatar and even attachemnt points. 

After being here as long as i have, i've invested quite a bit of money in my avatar in terms of RL money and if i suddenly couldn't use it, i couldn't afford to replace it any time soon, and most people would be in the same position, even if all the designers had plenty of replacemnt items ready, which they couldn't.  It would be like we were all ruthed noobs again fresh off orientation island . 

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Smoothing will only get you so far. It will help, but is not the solution to the issue.

Aside from the avatar mesh being pretty poorly made, the weighting of the vertices are also poorly done.

As have been said, a new mesh have been requested for a long time, but so far none have been provided. Until then, you are kind of stuck with the one available.

- Luc -

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Tenly wrote:

In some other programs avatars look just as crappy and edge ridden as SL avatar bodies...you know what I mean, shoulders that don't render right, abdomen that folds into itself...ugly hands and feet...and dont even get me started on my cankles...

However, with other avatar programs you can turn on smoothing and then the avatars look great.

I dont know..is there any setting in preferences that will make the avatar body look liess like angles with poorly rendered corners?

and is there any way when I make a skin that I can get the underlying avatar to stop turning every smooth curve into an abonoxious mishapen alignment?


Im constantly going back and forth back and forth when I try to create new eyes for my skins...very hard to do.


I dont really want to have to make a mesh body to do what the mesh body in SL should already be capable of -- never mind the fact I wouldnt even know how.

ideas? anything coming down the pike frm the lindens? 

I'm glad I'm not the only one with cankles.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

The problem i have heard though is that if they redid the mesh on the avatar a lot of things would be broken that would mean most if not all of what people have in their inventories for their avatars useless as well as all the stock of merchants selling clothing skin,etc

If that was true then we would be stuck with the present avatar - for ever in SL - without any hope for anything better ever.

Surely there would be a way, if there was a will in Linden Lab, to implement new mesh as an alternative.  So the user could select what mesh to wear.  With the now existing old clothing items and skins one would use the old mesh.  With new clothes and skins one would use the new mesh.  Thus nothing gets broken and useless.  After some time users would wear more and more the new mesh and items designed for it - because it would look amazing compared to the old one.

At some point in time the old mesh would have only some historical value... good bye old mesh. :smileytongue:

There is another alternative: Abandon the old mesh, implement new better mesh, with two UV maps, one being compatiple with the old mesh UV map. Then we could wear old clothing items and skins on the new mesh.  The other UV map would be a better one on which we could wear more detailed textures. 



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Surely, if the avatar mesh was tweaked a bit, it could be made so that the existing texture templates still work. 

Although I must point out that I'm not offering to do the job as I wouldn't know where to start :)

As for 'mesh' mesh avatars, as opposed to the standard mesh ones (!!) - I've seen some good mesh robotss, monsters and nice mesh clothes, but replacement mesh human avatars I've seen don't look as good as the standard LL ones.

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there are some programs that you can put on your computer that you can test them out before uploading that way save some time..

but as far as the mesh..we're pretty much stuck with it..the AO's can cause them to really  wack out of shape as well..


anyways if you would like those programs there are a couple of them if you don't already have them..


there are downloads here in the archive forums that still work for a free one..



and then on the market place there is this one which cost a little bit but has more options..



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