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Not receiving text responses in IM's


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6 answers to this question

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If you can see a person typing, she's not sending an IM.  The typing animation is only triggered by typing in chat.  IM's wouldn't be very private if everyone could see that you were typing.

I can't think of a reason why you're not receiving IMs, unless you have muted a lot of people.  I'll send you one as a test, so we can see if any are getting through at all.

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Is this happenening with all IMs? In v3, there is an option in Preferences > Privacy to only allow friends to call or IM you. I don't use Firestorm so don't know if there is an equivalent option in it but I imagine there is. I've never tested that option so I don't know if when ticked, you still see that the other party to the IM is typing but no text appears.

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